"אלעס איבער וואקסינען"

געזונט און רפואה

די אחראים: זייער נייגעריג,אחראי,thefact

מצפים לישועה
שר האלף
תגובות: 1696
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג אקטאבער 15, 2017 2:49 pm

תגובה דורך מצפים לישועה »

חיסונים - בחירה מושכלת
אבא חוזר מבית הכנסת
״אל תשאלו מאיר נפטר היום ההלויה ״
ראינו אותו הוא בריא כמו שור בן 62
אבא:לא יודעים מה קרה עשה חיסון לשפעת ומשהו הסתבך
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 15034
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: פרייטאג אקטאבער 27, 2017 11:14 am

תגובה דורך הענדימען »

מצפים לישועה האט געשריבן:
Kosher Travel האט געשריבן:ביסט דאך אזא גיטע חוקר צו ברענגן מראה מקומות פון אלע ווייטע פלעצער. גיל שחר, וכו'. אויב אזוי, וויאזוי קענט איהר איגנארירן אלע מעדיקאל ארגאנאזאציעס אין די וועלט? די Mayo Clinic? וכו'?

דער אמת מוז געזאגט ווערן. ווייל איהר האט אן אגענדא.

גענוג געשפיהל מיט דיני נפשות. איהר זענט פון די מענטשען וואס וועלען זיין אחריות ווען פאליע וועט צירוקומען קיין אמעריקא.

און ווער וועט זיין אחריות ווען אנדערע הונדרעט מחלות וואס איז דא אין טיף אפריקע וועט קומען צו גיין קיין אמעריקע?

וואסערע פראגע?

אוודאי דו און דיינס גלייכן
כאניש אזוי קיין געהעריגע אקסן (קרעדיט כאניש)

מ'קעמיך קאנטאקטירן אויף handymanivelt ביי דזשימעיל
מצפים לישועה
שר האלף
תגובות: 1696
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג אקטאבער 15, 2017 2:49 pm

תגובה דורך מצפים לישועה »

Kosher Travel
שר ארבעת האלפים
תגובות: 4276
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מיטוואך מארטש 30, 2016 7:40 pm
לאקאציע: Yehupesville
פארבינד זיך:

תגובה דורך Kosher Travel »

מצפים לישועה האט געשריבן:חיסונים - בחירה מושכלת
אבא חוזר מבית הכנסת
״אל תשאלו מאיר נפטר היום ההלויה ״
ראינו אותו הוא בריא כמו שור בן 62
אבא:לא יודעים מה קרה עשה חיסון לשפעת ומשהו הסתבך

זייער א שיינע מעשה.
אבער וואס איז מיט די מעשה פון א אינגע מאמע, געזונט און שטארק, און געכאפט די פלו און געשטארבן?
וואס איז מיט די מעשה פון א אינגערמאן וואס קען נישט האבן קינדער נאכן באקומן מאמפס ביי די 13 יאהר? הא???
וואס איז די מעשה מיט א צעהן יעריג קינד וואס האט די functions פון א צוויי יעריג קינד נאכן באקומען meningitis וואס איז א completely vaccine preventable קראנקהייט???

אינטערסאנט וויאזוי איהר שלעפט ארויס מעשיות אויף וואקסינס, בשעת איהר טוט אינגאנצן זיך נישט וויסענדיג מאכן פון עכטע קראנקהייטן וואס וואקסינס פארמינערט.

און ווי געזאגט... יא, איך בין אביסל ווילד די טעג. איך האב פראבירט צו זיין גאנץ מענטשליך פאר 160 בלעטער. אבער נאכן זיצן די מוצאי שבת מיט "עכטע" עסקנים, און וואלונטערס, און מיט האלטן די שאדן וואס די אנטי וואקסין קולט ברענגט, קען מען שוין נישט שווייגן!
מיזעלס איז געוועהן אינגאנצן אויסגעראטן אין אמעריקע, און עס איז צירוקגעקומען. די עקספערטן זאגן אז עס איז a matter of time before Polio is back.

און זיי זאגן קלאהר אז די anti vaccine cults are to blame.

גענוג געשפיהלט מיט סכנות נפשות!!!

איך בין אייביג געוועהן ריספעקטפול צו די אנדערע זייט.

איך האב אייביג acknowledges אז עס איז דא אן אנדער צד.

אבער סתם ליגענט נאכאמאהל און נאכאמאהל?! גרויסע גראבע ליגענט? גענוג!

מנין, כשר עסען, כשר האטעלס Worldwide Jewish and Kosher Directory

העלפט מיין חבר פון זיך אונטערברעכן!
Kosher Travel
שר ארבעת האלפים
תגובות: 4276
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מיטוואך מארטש 30, 2016 7:40 pm
לאקאציע: Yehupesville
פארבינד זיך:

תגובה דורך Kosher Travel »

מצפים לישועה האט געשריבן:https://vaccineimpact.com/2019/breaking-fda-sued-for-recommending-untested-unlicensed-flu-vaccine-for-pregnant-women/?fbclid=IwAR0HGd6QnkV1dXxJyJImX2WWPXTwOisdcjM8aWRzrc3Sust01J4NzasGo9E

ישר כח פאר די לינק. און בשעת איהר זענט דארט, פארגעס נישט צו קויפן די book, Rise from the Death פון Suzanne Humphries, וואס ווער עס וויל וויסען ווער זי איז, זאל וויסן דאס:
She recommends that people limit their medical care only to homeopaths, chiropractors, and osteopaths.

אדער קען מען קויפן Palm Shortening פאר $109.
מנין, כשר עסען, כשר האטעלס Worldwide Jewish and Kosher Directory

העלפט מיין חבר פון זיך אונטערברעכן!
מצפים לישועה
שר האלף
תגובות: 1696
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג אקטאבער 15, 2017 2:49 pm

תגובה דורך מצפים לישועה »

Kosher Travel האט געשריבן:
מצפים לישועה האט געשריבן:https://vaccineimpact.com/2019/breaking-fda-sued-for-recommending-untested-unlicensed-flu-vaccine-for-pregnant-women/?fbclid=IwAR0HGd6QnkV1dXxJyJImX2WWPXTwOisdcjM8aWRzrc3Sust01J4NzasGo9E

ישר כח פאר די לינק. און בשעת איהר זענט דארט, פארגעס נישט צו קויפן די book, Rise from the Death פון Suzanne Humphries, וואס ווער עס וויל וויסען ווער זי איז, זאל וויסן דאס:
She recommends that people limit their medical care only to homeopaths, chiropractors, and osteopaths.

אדער קען מען קויפן Palm Shortening פאר $109.

טוענו הfda והודה לו בסוזן האמפריס
שר שלשת אלפים
תגובות: 3563
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דינסטאג יולי 17, 2018 3:57 pm

תגובה דורך מחשב »

Kosher Travel האט געשריבן:
מצפים לישועה האט געשריבן:https://vaccineimpact.com/2019/breaking-fda-sued-for-recommending-untested-unlicensed-flu-vaccine-for-pregnant-women/?fbclid=IwAR0HGd6QnkV1dXxJyJImX2WWPXTwOisdcjM8aWRzrc3Sust01J4NzasGo9E

ישר כח פאר די לינק. און בשעת איהר זענט דארט, פארגעס נישט צו קויפן די book, Rise from the Death פון Suzanne Humphries, וואס ווער עס וויל וויסען ווער זי איז, זאל וויסן דאס:
She recommends that people limit their medical care only to homeopaths, chiropractors, and osteopaths.

אדער קען מען קויפן Palm Shortening פאר $109.

ווען מ'ברענגט נאך פון איינעם וואס האט א אגענדע, מיינט דאס אז עס איז ליגנט וואס יענער זאגט?! מ'קען דאס מברר זיין, נישט אזוי? אויב איז דאס אמת ווארפט עס א טונקעלע בליק אויף די וואקסינאציעס בכלליות.
מצפים לישועה
שר האלף
תגובות: 1696
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג אקטאבער 15, 2017 2:49 pm

תגובה דורך מצפים לישועה »

Long-term adverse effects
Short-term monitoring of the vaccines has demonstrated that vaccines can sometimes have devastating effects on the central nervous system, the immune system and many vital organs of the body. Seizures, encephalopathy, asthma, and ‘unexplained deaths’ are just a few recognized dramatic “side” effects of vaccines. If vaccines can, at times, cause such striking and sudden damages to the body, it is only logical that they may also, in many more cases, produce some less obvious and dramatic but equally profound and damaging effects on various metabolic systems of the human body. Detecting such possible effects is impossible through passive observation alone, but requires long-term studies monitoring two large groups of people, one subjected to vaccination and one not, and comparing their respective rate of cancer, leukemia, MS, asthma, lupus, heart attack, dementia, learning disabilities, allergies, etc.
How long should such a study last in order to provide reliable and satisfactory information? 1 year, 10 years, or 100 years? I think that 30-40 years would give a fairly good idea of whether vaccines are safe even long-term (if no major changes in the rate of disease were detected in 30 years, it is unlikely that anything significantly different would occur afterwards), but even a 10 year study may possibly be considered sufficient to provide a reliable insight on the safety (or lack of safety) of the vaccines.
Does such a study exist?
Was such a study ever done for even five years? No.
Was it at least done for one year?
Absolutely not!
Information inserts from the vaccine-producing pharmaceutical companies tell us that in phase-three studies (the studies used to obtain licensing of a product from the FDA and required to establish the its safety), adverse effects of INFANDRIX (DTaP vaccine) were monitored for up to 3, 8 and 15 days only; adverse effects of the Hepatitis B vaccine were monitored for 5 days only. Considering this information, VARIVAX (the chickenpox vaccine) is probably the safest vaccine around, having been monitored for up to 42 days...
In May 2001, Congressman Dan Burton testified that, “there is a paucity of research looking at long-term safety of any vaccine” (House of Representatives, 15 may 2001, page H2174).
Scientific evidence does not support the safety of immunizations: safety studies on vaccinations are limited to short time periods only: several days to several weeks. There are NO (NONE!) long-term (months or years) safety studies on any vaccination or immunization. There is limited but rapidly growing scientific evidence of long-term adverse side-effects of vaccines that need much more study (Harold E. Buttman, MD, Feb. 6 2001).
As astounding, shocking, unbelievable and outrageous as it sounds, this is the deplorable truth: no long-term studies exist on the safety of vaccines. When we see many terrible diseases on the rise, cancer, ulcerated colitis, Crohn’s disease, chronic fatigue syndrome and asthma to name but a few
מצפים לישועה
שר האלף
תגובות: 1696
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג אקטאבער 15, 2017 2:49 pm

תגובה דורך מצפים לישועה »

מחשב האט געשריבן:
Kosher Travel האט געשריבן:
מצפים לישועה האט געשריבן:https://vaccineimpact.com/2019/breaking-fda-sued-for-recommending-untested-unlicensed-flu-vaccine-for-pregnant-women/?fbclid=IwAR0HGd6QnkV1dXxJyJImX2WWPXTwOisdcjM8aWRzrc3Sust01J4NzasGo9E

ישר כח פאר די לינק. און בשעת איהר זענט דארט, פארגעס נישט צו קויפן די book, Rise from the Death פון Suzanne Humphries, וואס ווער עס וויל וויסען ווער זי איז, זאל וויסן דאס:
She recommends that people limit their medical care only to homeopaths, chiropractors, and osteopaths.

אדער קען מען קויפן Palm Shortening פאר $109.

ווען מ'ברענגט נאך פון איינעם וואס האט א אגענדע, מיינט דאס אז עס איז ליגנט וואס יענער זאגט?! מ'קען דאס מברר זיין, נישט אזוי? אויב איז דאס אמת ווארפט עס א טונקעלע בליק אויף די וואקסינאציעס בכלליות.

גוט מארגן, דו קענסט נאך נישט קאושער טרעוולס טאקטיקן?
שר חמש מאות
תגובות: 547
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג מאי 26, 2014 2:48 pm

הרוצה לשקר ירחיק. . . . . וואס באהאלטן זיי?

תגובה דורך שעבאשנוט »

So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

The groups are large and sophisticated. Stop Mandatory Vaccination has more than 150,000 approved members. Vitamin C Against Vaccine Damage claims that large doses of the vitamin can “heal” people from vaccine damage, even though vaccines are safe.

Health experts are calling on Facebook to do more to counter these echo chambers. Dr Wendy Sue Swanson, spokeswoman of the American Academy of Pediatrics, said: “Facebook should prioritise dealing with the threat to human health when falsehoods and misinformation are shared. This isn’t just self-harm, it’s community harm.”

Swanson recently met with Facebook strategists and raised her concerns. “Parents deserve the truth. If they are being served up something that is not true it will likely increase their levels of anxiety and fear and potentially change their uptake of vaccines, which is dangerous,” she said.

https://www.theguardian.com/technology/ ... nformation

קאוד: וועל אויס אלע

Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups
Experts are calling on company to counter closed groups where members can post misinformation without challenge

Ed Pilkington and Jessica Glenza in New York

Tue 12 Feb 2019 02.00 EST Last modified on Tue 12 Feb 2019 13.50 EST
 People protest against a proposed bill that would remove parents’ ability to claim a philosophical exemption to opt their children out of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine in Olympia, Washington on 8 February.
 People protest against a proposed bill that would remove parents’ ability to claim a philosophical exemption to opt their children out of the MMR vaccine in Olympia, Washington, on 8 February. Photograph: Ted S Warren/AP
Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.

How Facebook and YouTube help spread anti-vaxxer propaganda
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So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

The groups are large and sophisticated. Stop Mandatory Vaccination has more than 150,000 approved members. Vitamin C Against Vaccine Damage claims that large doses of the vitamin can “heal” people from vaccine damage, even though vaccines are safe.

Health experts are calling on Facebook to do more to counter these echo chambers. Dr Wendy Sue Swanson, spokeswoman of the American Academy of Pediatrics, said: “Facebook should prioritise dealing with the threat to human health when falsehoods and misinformation are shared. This isn’t just self-harm, it’s community harm.”

Swanson recently met with Facebook strategists and raised her concerns. “Parents deserve the truth. If they are being served up something that is not true it will likely increase their levels of anxiety and fear and potentially change their uptake of vaccines, which is dangerous,” she said.

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Fiona O’Leary, an autism activist and campaigner against pseudo-science, called on Facebook to block anti-vaccine groups. “If they won’t shut down closed groups I’d like to see a Facebook watchdog that will remove misinformation causing harm to children,” she said.

The threat posed by the Facebook groups was put in stark relief by the World Health Organization (WHO), which lists “vaccine hesitancy” – reluctance to vaccinate – as one of the top 10 global health threats in 2019. The WHO points to a 30% worldwide increase in measles, a highly contagious illness that can cause deafness, brain inflammation, pneumonia and death, especially in children.

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Last month Washington state imposed a state of emergency after 48 people contracted measles. Most of those infected were unvaccinated and under 10 years old.

Dr Noni MacDonald, a professor of pediatrics at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, who has worked as an expert adviser to the WHO on immunization, questioned why Facebook was unrestrained by the stringent controls against misinformation put on drug companies. “We don’t let big pharma or big food or big radio companies do this, so why should we let this happen in this venue?”

She added: “When a drug company puts a drug up in the formal media, they can’t tell you something false or they will be sued. So why is this different? Why is this allowed?”

As concern grows about measles outbreaks in the US, the spotlight is increasingly falling on the closed anti-vaccination Facebook groups. The Guardian gained access to some of the groups, finding them to be rife with pseudo-science.

 Facebook autofill suggestions for ‘vacci’.
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 Facebook autofill suggestions for ‘vacci’. Photograph: Facebook
One group, Vitamin C & Orthomolecular Medicine for Optimal Health, tells its users that it is “not an anti-vax group”. Its leader, Katie Gironda, says: “This group needs to remain neutral on the vaccine topic.”

Yet anyone allowed into this closed group of about 49,000 approved members will find ample material questioning the safety of vaccines. They will also find recommendations for alternative remedies that are falsely claimed to protect against disease.

Gironda is listed on LinkedIn as CEO of an online business in Colorado selling high-dose vitamin C. Members of her closed group are encouraged to “shop now” – in one click they are linked directly to her firm, Revitalize Wellness.

The site sells vitamin C powder in bulk, with customers encouraged to give children aged two up to three grams a day whereas the recommended daily intake is 15mg. Twenty-four-pound bags of the powder cost $432.

Revitalize Wellness carries a disclaimer saying that its products are “not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent disease”. But in conversation with members of her closed Facebook group, Gironda gives the opposite advice.

“Vitamin C has an amazing record of fighting the same diseases vaccines were made for,” she posts.

In another entry she says: “I think the cons outweigh the pros on vaccines … Through greed they became a weapon. Until they become safe and not driven by money I would avoid all vaccines.”

Gironda is also listed as an administrator of a separate Facebook group called Vitamin C Against Vaccine Damage. She welcomes new approved members to the group with this statement: “Science and experience of mass amounts of people have proven that vaccines CAN damage the body … Vitamin C is the safest and most effective way to protect from damage for those that are mandated to be vaccinated.”

After the Guardian contacted Gironda, the status of the group Vitamin C Against Vaccine Damage was changed from closed to secret. That put it into an even more heavily shrouded category that hides the group entirely from the view of non-members by taking it out of Facebook searches.

 Facebook has a moral responsibility to do something – this misinformation has the potential to kill children
David Robert Grimes
In discussions on the closed groups, members frequently express incorrect information that is reinforced by their peers. In January a woman posted that she lived “near this big measles outbreak”. She asked fellow members: “What should I be upping for my kids to keep them better protected?”

Another member gave this advice: “Load up on vitamin A. Measles susceptibility skyrockets among people with low vitamin A.”

In December a mother in Canada wrote to one of the groups, describing herself as a “first time mom with a 6 month old daughter who is completely vax free. My daughter is sick, I’m so upset and worried. I have always felt confident in my decision to not vax but I’m worried about what she may have contacted [sic].”

A fellow member wrote back: “Baby needs a vitamin C IV.”

David Robert Grimes, a physicist who specializes in countering fake science, said vitamin C would “absolutely not” protect against measles. “Vitamin C does nothing for immunization.”

Grimes said that he had repeatedly reported anti-vaccination groups to Facebook, with no result. “Facebook has a moral responsibility to do something – this misinformation has the potential to kill children.”

The Guardian put it to Gironda that misinformation about vaccines can put children’s lives at risk and that vitamin C was not an effective alternative. In an email she said: “Revitalize Wellness maintains a neutral stance on vaccines. We make every effort to uphold that neutral stance in our Facebook group.”

She said that she was a follower of “vitamin C pioneers”, citing Dr Linus Pauling, Dr Frederick Klenner, Dr Robert F Cathcart, Dr Irwin Stone and Dr Thomas Levy. She added: “There will always be controversy on the efficacy of vitamin C.”

Measles was declared eliminated in the US authorities in 2000 thanks to the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR). But since then the fraudulent exploits of the discredited British doctor Andrew Wakefield has sown doubts in the minds of many parents about a link between MMR and autism – despite numerous studies that have debunked the connection.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has warned there are now about 100,000 American children under two years old who are completely unvaccinated – a fourfold increase on 2001.

Measles outbreak sparks concerns over anti-vaccination movement
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Paradoxically, pressure on Facebook to scrub its platform of inaccurate information comes as the company’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, and his wife, Priscilla Chan, are actively funding a $3bn effort to “cure all diseases”. A major plank of their mission is to develop new vaccines.

Facebook is increasingly engaged in combatting misinformation that causes “real-world harm”. Yet despite the health risks, anti-vaccination propaganda is currently not treated as a breach of its content rules.

The Guardian asked Facebook to respond to the proliferation of vaccine misinformation on its platform, but the company did not reply.

In addition to hosting many closed anti-vaccination groups, Facebook has taken in thousands of advertising dollars from those who specifically target parents with often frightening false messages meant to undermine trust in vaccines. Stop Mandatory Vaccination promoted an ad so extreme it was censored by the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).

The group later told the ASA, according to the association’s account of proceedings, that it “targeted users with an interest in parenting”, with the intent to “cause parents some concern before choosing to vaccinate their children”.

Facebook also accepted advertising revenue from Vax Truther, Anti-Vaxxer, Vaccines Revealed and Michigan for Vaccine Choice, among others.
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זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג אקטאבער 15, 2017 2:49 pm

תגובה דורך מצפים לישועה »

איך קרה הדבר, וויאזוי איז געשען אזא מאדנע זאך, אז צענדליגער מיליאנען נארמאלע מענטשן אין די גאנצע וועלט האבן זיך איינגערעט אזא נארישע שטות אז וועקסינס וואס האט געראטעוועט מיליאנען מענטשן פון טויט איז גאר שעדליך, קעגן די מיינונג פון אלע מומחים וואס זאגן אז וועקסינס איז הונדרעט פראצענט סעיף (א חוץ איינס פון א מיליאן) און אזוי פיל סטאדיס האבן איבערגעצייגט אז וועקסינס ברענגט נישט קיין שום קרענק און שאדן(חוץ איינס פון א מיליאן)? וואס ברענגט אזוי פיל נארמאלע מענטשן זיך אזוי שטארק צו כאפן צו אזא גרויסע שטות? איינער צאל זיי געלט פאר דעם? און די זאך איז נישט און נאר אפאר פלעצער נאר און די גאנצע וועלט בכל עיר ועיר ובכל מדינה ומדינה בכל כדור העולם אז דא לפחות א צווי פראצענט פון די באפעלקערונג וואס גלייבן אזוי שטארק אין די שטותים און מע קען זיי בשום אופן נישט רירן פון דעם, (א חוץ קושער טרעוועל וואס האט זיך יא גלונגען צו ראטעווען פון דעם שטות) וואס גייט דא פאר? איז שוין געווען און די וועלט אזא גלייכן? האט איינער אפשר עפעס א שטיקל הסבר אויף דעם שרעקליכע מאדנע ערשיינונג?
שר חמש מאות
תגובות: 547
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג מאי 26, 2014 2:48 pm

Your View: I bought into anti-vaccination movement. How I changed my mind. - The Morning Call

תגובה דורך שעבאשנוט »

http://www.mcall.com/opinion/yourview/m ... mail~story

ust a few years ago, I was opposed to vaccines. I felt that the risks of measles were being exaggerated when periodic outbreaks would occur.

I refused to get my tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis booster when my doctor offered it, and I declined the flu shot every year. I particularly regret the decision regarding the flu shot.

Another hurdle that I had to overcome involved the numerous stories that are claimed to be vaccine injuries, spreading across social media and finding their way into my news feed. I needed to understand why these stories seemed so prevalent. The stories appealed to my emotions and seemed so compelling.

It is true that reactions to vaccines are possible, but serious reactions are rare. I began to learn that many of the stories presented as vaccine injuries have more to the story that is often not revealed in a short Facebook post. I realized that the frightening anecdotes I was seeing, even though they seemed to be everywhere, were no reason to doubt the accuracy and results of reputable studies that show vaccines are safe and effective.

קאוד: וועל אויס אלע

Your View: I bought into anti-vaccination movement. How I changed my mind.
Baby Getting A Vaccination At Doctor's Office
An 8 month old baby boy gets a vaccination in his leg. (Getty Images)
Rose Branigin
Special to The Washington Post
Just a few years ago, I was opposed to vaccines. I felt that the risks of measles were being exaggerated when periodic outbreaks would occur.

I refused to get my tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis booster when my doctor offered it, and I declined the flu shot every year. I particularly regret the decision regarding the flu shot.

As a hospital employee at the time, even though I worked in an area where I did not come into contact with patients, if I had caught the flu during that time, I could have spread it, putting others at risk.

The measles outbreak underway in Clark County, Washington, and the cases that have been reported in nine other states this year are a reminder for me of just how far my views have shifted. In previous years when I rejected vaccination, I would have thought that I didn't have to worry about measles because I lived a healthy lifestyle, or that the news was just being used to scare people into vaccinating unnecessarily.

I can't help but think back to my old beliefs and how much of my reasoning was based on misleading or false information. But my experience is also a reminder that education and compassion can be valuable tools in the fight against anti-vaccination sentiment.

My reasons for being against vaccines stemmed mostly from misunderstanding the ingredients in the vaccines and how they worked. People who tried to convince me not to vaccinate told me about the many ingredients in vaccines, such as aluminum salts, polysorbate 80 and formaldehyde, but they did not explain the purpose of those ingredients. They advised me to read the vaccine package inserts without giving me an understanding of how to correctly interpret the information.

I had also become convinced that many vaccine reactions were overlooked for various reasons and that they occurred much more frequently than documentation on vaccine safety showed.

'It will take off like a wildfire': The unique dangers of the Washington state measles outbreak
What changed my mind?

It was finding a group of people who were strongly in favor of vaccines and willing to discuss the topic with me. They were able to correct all the misinformation I had heard and respond to my concerns with credible research and other helpful information. They addressed my fears about children's immune systems being able to handle vaccines, vaccine ingredients, vaccine safety testing, and more.

Another hurdle that I had to overcome involved the numerous stories that are claimed to be vaccine injuries, spreading across social media and finding their way into my news feed. I needed to understand why these stories seemed so prevalent. The stories appealed to my emotions and seemed so compelling.

It is true that reactions to vaccines are possible, but serious reactions are rare. I began to learn that many of the stories presented as vaccine injuries have more to the story that is often not revealed in a short Facebook post. I realized that the frightening anecdotes I was seeing, even though they seemed to be everywhere, were no reason to doubt the accuracy and results of reputable studies that show vaccines are safe and effective.

During the time I was opposed to vaccines, I don't think I would have described my views as tightly held beliefs. Because of this, I was really surprised at the difficulty I faced in changing my views on vaccination.

Changing my mind and admitting this change to other people were not easy things to do, and this process took place over several months.

I've now realized that there are some advantages to starting from the point of doubting vaccines. It allows me to better understand friends who are hesitant to vaccinate, and in finding information about vaccines that alleviated my specific fears, the experience has made me even more convinced now of the benefits of vaccines, both to my family and to my community.

Measles is deadly. Vaccines are not. We need our laws to reflect this reality
I hope that the current outbreak can be quickly brought under control and that those who have contracted measles will recover quickly and fully.

My son, though fully vaccinated for his age, has not yet reached the age when he will receive the vaccine for measles, so he would be at risk if outbreaks were to occur near us.

I'm grateful to the people who helped me protect myself against misinformation and gave me the facts I needed to keep my family safe. But I can't do it alone.

We all need to get our vaccinations, not just for ourselves but also to protect people who truly can't be vaccinated. We all need to be in this together.

Rose Branigin lives in South Carolina with her husband and 9-month-old son.
שר חמש מאות
תגובות: 547
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג מאי 26, 2014 2:48 pm

Anti-Vaccine Movement Joins Ebola, Drug Resistance on List of Top Global Threats

תגובה דורך שעבאשנוט »

קאוד: וועל אויס אלע

A new list of top global health threats from the World Health Organization (WHO) reads like a "who's who" of public health hazards: Pandemic flu. Ebola. Drug resistance. But tucked in this list of much-talked-about threats is one perhaps-surprising inclusion: the anti-vaccine movement.

The list, released this week, highlighted "10 of the many issues that will demand attention from WHO and health partners in 2019," the organization said in a statement. And the anti-vaccine movement, which the list refers to as "vaccine hesitancy," made the cut.

Vaccines prevent 2 million to 3 million deaths a year globally. However, vaccine hesitancy — defined as delays in vaccination or refusal of vaccines despite the availability of vaccination services — threatens to reverse progress being made against infectious diseases, the WHO said. [5 Dangerous Vaccination Myths]

For example, measles — a vaccine-preventable disease — has seen a 30 percent rise in cases globally in recent years, and vaccine hesitancy may have played a role in that increase. In fact, some countries that were close to eliminating the measles have now seen a resurgence in cases, the WHO said.

The inclusion of vaccine hesitancy in the WHO's list of global health threats puts a focus on the "danger of this movement," said Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in Baltimore.

If this list had been made 100 years ago, all of the top 10 health threats would have been infectious diseases, Adalja said. But that's not the case today, and that's because of vaccines. "Vaccine hesitancy threatens to undo a lot of that progress," Adalja told Live Science.

Adalja also noted that another health threat on the WHO's 2019 list is "noncommunicable," or noninfectious, diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

But in years past, "you wouldn't even live to get many of these noncommunicable diseases," Adalja said. "The fact that noncommunicable disease are included is a testament to how powerful vaccines are."

Vaccine hesitancy is a complex problem to tackle, the WHO said. Indeed, the reasons for refusing vaccines can differ depending on the individual, Adalja said. Some people question the safety of vaccines, even though numerous studies show that vaccines are safe and effective. Other people may think their children are getting "too many vaccines" over a short period and so ask to have the vaccines spread out. But such "alternative vaccination schedules" put children at risk for contracting preventable infectious diseases.

When a patient shows vaccine hesitancy, doctors need to figure out what that individual's concerns are and "provide facts and evidence for why vaccination is the best course of action" Adalja said.

Another reason for vaccine hesitancy is complacency, when people perceive the risks of infectious diseases as low, the WHO said, even though these diseases are real threats.

Adalja said he would like to see today's society better embrace vaccines and their life-saving benefits, as was the case, for example, in the 1950s when news of the release of the polio vaccine was met with much public jubilation.

"We need to get back to that era where vaccines were celebrated the way a new iPhone [is]," Adalja said.

Other important global health threats on WHO's list include: Climate change — which is predicted to lead to an additional 250,000 deaths each year from factors such as malnutrition, heat stress and malaria; weak primary health care services; dengue fever; HIV; and fragile and venerable settings, including those affected by ongoing crises such as famine, conflict and population displacement.
שר חמש מאות
תגובות: 547
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג מאי 26, 2014 2:48 pm

פעלט טאקע אויס א אויסברוך אז דער עלום זאל זיך אויפוועקן צום מציאות?

תגובה דורך שעבאשנוט »

https://www.livescience.com/64728-measl ... ation.html

קאוד: וועל אויס אלע

Weeks after a hotspot for anti-vaxxers turned into a hotspot for measles infections, vaccination rates have surged in the area, according to news reports.

Last month, following 50 confirmed cases and 11 suspected cases of the measles, Clark County, Washington, declared a public health emergency. Now, residents of the area are scrambling for vaccinations, according to Kaiser Health News.

Compared with January of last year, measles vaccinations in Clark County are up 500 percent, from 530 doses to 3,150 doses. Statewide, the number of measles vaccinations increased by about 30 percent, from 12,140 doses last January to 15,780 this January, Kaiser Health News reported. [27 Devastating Infectious Diseases]

The measles virus is extremely contagious but is also considered "extremely rare," because it's easily preventable with vaccines. But an increase in anti-vaccination movements across the country and even in other parts of the world has left children unprotected and vulnerable to the infection.

The outbreak in Washington state is one of three current measles outbreaks in the U.S. There are also outbreaks in New York City and New York state.

The MMR vaccine protects against three different viruses: measles, mumps and rubella. (There's also a different form of the vaccine, called the MMRV vaccine, that protects against those three diseases plus varicella, which is the virus that causes chickenpox.)

Children should be given two doses of the MMR vaccine. The first should be administered when the child is from 12 to 15 months of age and the second when the child is from 4 to 6 years of age, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If a child receives one dose of the vaccine, he or she is protected from the infection 93 percent of the time. With two doses, a child is protected 97 percent of the time, according to the CDC. Adults who haven't been vaccinated should get at least one dose of the MMR vaccine, according to the CDC.

Once the vaccine is administered, it takes about 72 hours to confer protection.
שר חמש מאות
תגובות: 547
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג מאי 26, 2014 2:48 pm

What to know about the measles outbreak, affecting over 50 in Washington anti-vaccination hot spot

תגובה דורך שעבאשנוט »

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/hea ... 719315002/.

קאוד: וועל אויס אלע

A measles outbreak is rapidly spreading across a Washington county known for choosing not to vaccinate its children, and health officials have declared a public health emergency.

As of Sunday, Clark County, Washington, which is about nine miles away from Portland, Oregon, identified 53 confirmed cases and two suspected cases since the beginning of the year. Most cases are affecting children younger than 10.

The county has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the state: More than 22 percent of public school students did not complete their vaccinations, The Oregonian reported, citing state records.

Here's what you should know about the measles and this outbreak:

What is measles? What are the symptoms?

Measles is an extremely contagious illness caused by a virus that is spread through the air.

People infected develop a red spotted rash that starts inside the mouth and spreads all over the body. Symptoms include fevers as high as 104 degrees, cough, runny nose and red, watery eyes. 

In this file photo, a young child is shown with a classic measles rash after four days.
In this file photo, a young child is shown with a classic measles rash after four days. (Photo: CDC handout photo)

How serious is it?

In 2017, about 110,000 died from measles, mostly among children younger than five, around the world, according to the World Health Organization. Young children and adults older than 20 are more likely to suffer measles complications that can be deadly.

As many as one out of every 20 children infected with measles gets pneumonia, the most common cause of death from measles in young children, according to health officials. One in every 1,000 children with measles develops swelling of the brain that can cause deafness or an intellectual disability. Pregnant women with measles might give birth early or have a low-weight baby.

Is there a cure?

There is no specific treatment available for measles.

How contagious is it?

Measles is so contagious that 90 percent of unvaccinated people who come in contact with an infected person will get the virus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The virus can linger in the air for up to two hours after an infected person coughs or sneezes. The virus can spread four days before and after symptoms appear.

A measles outbreak in the Pacific Northwest has sicked 38 people so far and has forced some people to change their daily routine. One mother says she's not taking her 11-month-old son out in public until he gets his measles vaccine at age one. (Jan. 30) AP

How effective is the vaccine?

The measles two-dose vaccine is 97 percent effective against the virus, according to the CDC.

How many people have been affected?

Clark County Public Health officials have identified 53 confirmed cases and two suspected cases related to the outbreak.

So far, 38 children ages 1 to 10 have been infected; 13 children ages 11 to 18; one person between the age of 19 and 29; and one person between the age of 30 to 39. Forty-seven cases have been in unvaccinated people. One infected person did receive a MMR vaccine. Vaccine records for the six others were not immediately known.

Cases include two people who traveled to Hawaii and one case of a person who traveled to Bend, Oregon.

Where are people being infected?

Dozens of locations have been identified as possible exposure locations, including malls, grocery stores, daycares and churches.

Portland International Airport was previously identified by officials as an exposure location, but was later removed because the incubation period has passed.

Why aren't people vaccinating?

People choosing not to vaccinate have become a global health threat in 2019, the World Health Organization reported this month. The CDC recognized that the number of children who aren't being vaccinated by 24 months old has been gradually increasing.

Some parents opt not to vaccinate because of the discredited belief vaccines are linked to autism. The CDC said that there is no link and that there are no ingredients in vaccines that could cause autism.

More: These 15 U.S. cities are hotspots for kids not getting vaccines

Contributing: Brett Molina and Joel Shannon. Follow Ashley May on Twitter: @AshleyMayTweets
שר חמש מאות
תגובות: 547
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג מאי 26, 2014 2:48 pm

נאכאמאל און נאכאמאל מיט שקרים. . . . .

תגובה דורך שעבאשנוט »

https://www.timesrecord.com/articles/ma ... ern-maine/

Health officials: Ignore anti-vaccination fliers showing up in southern Maine
Fliers that list 'known vaccine side effects' and imply a link to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are false and misleading, the state says.
| February 12, 2019

Portland Press Herald

קאוד: וועל אויס אלע

People should ignore anti-vaccination fliers – alleged to have come from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – that have shown up in big box stores in southern Maine, state public health officials said Monday. 

“Misleading fliers such as these are concerning – especially when that information pertains to something as important to public health as vaccines,” said Dr. Bruce Bates, director of the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention. “I encourage anyone who comes across one of these fliers to disregard it.”

The fliers were not issued or endorsed by the Maine CDC or federal CDC, officials said.

The fliers appeared in the wake of a measles outbreak in the Pacific Northwest and consideration of a bill in the Maine Legislature that would end non-medical exemptions from childhood vaccinations. If approved, Maine would be the fourth state – following California, Mississippi and West Virginia – to ban all non-medical exemptions that allow parents to forgo school-required vaccines for their children.

Maine has one of the worst vaccination rates for children entering kindergarten in the nation, and the country’s highest rate of pertussis, a vaccine-preventable disease also known as whooping cough.

The fliers list several dozen “known side effects” of vaccinations, without listing any specific vaccine. The list is on pink paper with a dark yellow border, and says the source is “CDC.org” and it is a “package insert.” A statement from the Maine CDC did not say how many fliers were found, when they were found, or how they were distributed at the stores. A message left with the agency Monday afternoon seeking more details about the fliers was not returned.

“In the United States, vaccines are thoroughly tested and then continuously monitored to ensure ongoing safety. Immunizing yourself and your children will help protect you, them, and your community from contracting vaccine-preventable diseases,” the Maine CDC said in a statement.

In late January, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee declared a state of emergency after at least 44 people in Washington and Oregon fell ill with the very contagious measles virus, which was eradicated in the U.S. in 2000 as a result of immunization.

In Maine, current state law permits parents to skip vaccines for their children by signing a form opting out on philosophic and religious grounds. In the 2017-18 school year, 5 percent of Maine children entering kindergarten – about 600 children statewide – had non-medical exemptions for immunizations, state statistics show.

Thirty-one public elementary schools in Maine were reporting 15 percent or higher rates of unvaccinated kindergarten students, putting those schools and their surrounding communities at greater risk for the return of preventable diseases such as measles, chickenpox and pertussis.

In 2017, Maine had one case of measles, in a young adult who was not vaccinated.

State health officials said accurate information regarding vaccine side effects, which includes statistics on frequency of specific side effects associated with specific vaccines, is available at www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/side-effects.htm, the federal CDC website.

Noel K. Gallagher can be contacted at 791-6387 or at:

[email protected]

Twitter: noelinmaine
שר חמש מאות
תגובות: 547
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג מאי 26, 2014 2:48 pm

Officials in anti-vaccination ‘hotspot’ near Portland declare an emergency over measles outbreak

תגובה דורך שעבאשנוט »

https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2 ... 03faaf88d3

קאוד: וועל אויס אלע

A quickly escalating measles outbreak around Portland, Ore., has led health officials in nearby Clark County, Wash., to declare a public health emergency as they warn that people infected with the highly contagious virus have visited schools and churches, a dentist’s office, a Costco, an Ikea and an Amazon locker pickup station.

Someone with measles was at Concourse D of the Portland International Airport on Jan. 7, the county’s public health department advised. An infected person attended a Portland Trail Blazers home game Jan. 11.

At the beginning of last week, there were only a handful of confirmed cases. On Friday, the day the emergency was declared, there were 19. By Sunday, that number had grown to 21. The latest update came Tuesday, when county officials said they had confirmed 23 cases and were investigating two more suspected cases. The vast majority of those who have fallen ill had not been immunized.

The outbreak makes concrete the fear of pediatric epidemiologists that a citadel of the movement against compulsory vaccination could be susceptible to the rapid spread of a potentially deadly disease.

“It’s alarming,” Douglas J. Opel, a pediatrician at Seattle Children’s Hospital, said in an interview with The Washington Post. “Any time we have an outbreak of a disease that we have a safe and effective vaccine against, it should raise a red flag.”

State data shows that 7.9 percent of children in Clark County were exempt in the 2017-2018 school year from vaccines required for kindergarten entry, which includes the two-dose course for measles that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says is 97 percent effective. Only 1.2 percent of the children had a medical dispensation, meaning that nearly 7 percent were not immunized for personal or religious reasons. Nationally, about 2 percent of children went without required immunizations for nonmedical reasons.

The high rate of nonmedical exemption for vaccines is what makes the Portland area, which sits across the Columbia River from Clark County, a “hotspot” for outbreaks, according to Peter J. Hotez, a professor of pediatrics and dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

“This is something I’ve predicted for a while now,” he said of the public health emergency in Clark County. “It’s really awful and really tragic and totally preventable.”

Of the confirmed cases, 18 patients are between the ages of 1 to 10 years old. Twenty of the infected individuals had not been immunized against measles, and the vaccination history of the other three remained unverified. One person was hospitalized.

Experts advised that the outbreak could still be in its infancy. The incubation period of the virus averages two weeks, and it can be spread four days before a rash makes its onset obvious.

Because measles is among the most highly contagious of all infectious diseases, it is bound to flare up in areas with low vaccination rates, Hotez said. He tracked this effect in a paper last year in the Public Library of Science, linking the number of philosophical exemptions, which has climbed since 2009 in 12 of the 18 states that allow them, to increasing outbreaks.

The problem is especially pronounced, the paper found, in more than a dozen “hotspot metropolitan areas,” including Portland and Seattle in the Northwest, Phoenix in the Southwest and Detroit in the Midwest.

Public health experts are sounding alarms about the geographical clustering of people who refuse to immunize themselves, which creates vulnerabilities despite the overall high rate of vaccination. In November, Asheville, N.C., another stronghold of the anti-vaccination movement, succumbed to the state’s worst chickenpox outbreak since a vaccine for the infection became available more than two decades ago.

“Portland is a total train wreck when it comes to vaccine rates,” Hotez said in an interview with The Post.

Opposition to compulsory vaccination in the Pacific Northwest dates to the Progressive Era and continues despite major medical breakthroughs. The modern anti-vaccination movement — built on debunked research published in 1998 that associated the vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella, known as the MMR vaccine, with autism — is not exclusive to one side of the political divide, survey data suggests; it tends to find its most fervent supporters at both extremes.

Measles is a dire price to pay for leniency about vaccination, Hotez cautioned, calling the illness “one of the most serious infectious diseases known to humankind.” After smallpox was eradicated in 1980, measles became the leading killer of children globally, he said.

In 2000, public health officials declared measles eliminated in the United States because more than a year had gone by without continuous transmission of the disease. But recent outbreaks supply evidence of dangerous backsliding in containment of the virus, Hotez said, blaming the anti-vaccination movement. “This is a self-inflicted wound,” he said.

In 2015, a woman in northwestern Washington died of pneumonia after contracting measles. It was the first U.S. death from the virus since 2003.

Last year saw the second highest number of reported cases of measles since 2000, according to the CDC. A total of 349 cases were confirmed across 26 states and the District of Columbia, only surpassed by the 667 cases in 2014. Orthodox Jewish communities were at the center of several outbreaks last year in New York and New Jersey, after unvaccinated travelers returned with the virus from Israel, which was battling an outbreak. The year before, Minnesota reported 75 cases of measles, mostly in a Somali community where the discredited theory blaming autism on the MMR vaccine had taken hold.

Because measles is still endemic in parts of the world, said Opel, “periodic introduction by people traveling is what’s causing frequent outbreaks here.”

A high level of protection is required to prevent transfer of the highly contagious virus, he added. Somewhere between 92 and 94 percent of the population must be immunized. Clark County is already below that level, he observed, “before you factor in other things like people just missing their appointments.”

The county’s health department emphasized how easily the virus can spread, remaining for as long as two hours in the air of a room where an infected person has been.

“If other people breathe the contaminated air or touch a contaminated surface, then touch their eyes, noses or mouths, they can become infected,” the county warned in a statement Tuesday. “Measles is so contagious that if one person has it, 90 percent of the people close to that person who are not immune will also become infected.”

While the illness often begins with cold-like symptoms and a rash, doctors emphasized that many infected people suffer from additional complications, including pneumonia and, in more serious cases, inflammation of the brain known as encephalitis and even seizures.

“It’s not a benign illness,” Opel said.
Kosher Travel
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זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מיטוואך מארטש 30, 2016 7:40 pm
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מצפים לישועה האט געשריבן:https://vaccineimpact.com/2019/breaking-fda-sued-for-recommending-untested-unlicensed-flu-vaccine-for-pregnant-women/?fbclid=IwAR0HGd6QnkV1dXxJyJImX2WWPXTwOisdcjM8aWRzrc3Sust01J4NzasGo9E

ישר כח פאר די לינק. און בשעת איהר זענט דארט, פארגעס נישט צו קויפן די book, Rise from the Death פון Suzanne Humphries, וואס ווער עס וויל וויסען ווער זי איז, זאל וויסן דאס:
She recommends that people limit their medical care only to homeopaths, chiropractors, and osteopaths.

אדער קען מען קויפן Palm Shortening פאר $109.

ווען מ'ברענגט נאך פון איינעם וואס האט א אגענדע, מיינט דאס אז עס איז ליגנט וואס יענער זאגט?! מ'קען דאס מברר זיין, נישט אזוי? אויב איז דאס אמת ווארפט עס א טונקעלע בליק אויף די וואקסינאציעס בכלליות.

גוט מארגן, דו קענסט נאך נישט קאושער טרעוולס טאקטיקן?

ר' מחשב,
עס זעהט מיהר אויס אז איהר האט נישט מיטגעהאלטן די איבער 160 בלעטער דא. איך האב אבער יא. ליינט עס איבער, וועט איהר פארשטיין די הלוך ילך און פון וואס איך רעדט.

ר' מצפים,
פון וואס רעדט איהר דא? וואס זענען מיינע טאקטיקן? אז מיין משפחה איז זייער אקטיוו אין וואלונטירן קעיר נעמען פון קראנקע קינדער? א חלק פון זיי, זענען קראנק און disabled for life פון vaccine preventable diseases?

איך מיין אז איך בין געוועהן גאנץ respectful רוב צייט דא. אבער עס קומט א point ווען מען מוז ארויסברענגן קלאהר דעהם אמת! די מיט דיינע מענטשען וועלען זיין שולדיג ווען פאליע קומט צירוק!

איך בין נישט זיכער וואס מיינע טאקטיקן זענען. אבער וואס אייערע טאקטיקן זענען, זעהט מען קלאהר פון אייערע שרייבן.
- איהר האלט און איין שרייען אז עס איז קיינמאהל נישט אויפגעוויזן געווארן אז די MMR וואקסין ברענגט נישט קיין אוטיזם. אבער ווען מען שטיפט אייך צו די וואנט, שרייבט איהר טענו לו ב-whooping cough והודו לו ב-MMR. וכו', וכו', איהר האלט און איין flip flopped לויט ווי עס קומט גיט אויס אויף די מינוט. איהר ווייסט פארוואס? ווייל איהר האט קלאהר אן אגענדא. און פאקטן און אמת איז נישט א חלק דערפון. מען דארף פאלגן רבנים, אבער נאר ווען עס שטומט מיט אייך. גענוג געוועהן.
מנין, כשר עסען, כשר האטעלס Worldwide Jewish and Kosher Directory

העלפט מיין חבר פון זיך אונטערברעכן!

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