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ביזנעסלייט העלפן זיך ארויס

די אחראים: זייער נייגעריג,אחראי,עמעזאן

פתח פיך
שר העשר
תגובות: 34
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דאנערשטאג מארטש 30, 2017 6:59 pm

מעג איך נוצן אן אלטן Asin פאר אן נייעם אייטעם, זייער גלייך צו די פריערדיגע?

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  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך פתח פיך »

איך האב א ליסטינג מיט 4 variations, א רויטע ברוינע שווארצע, און די שווארצע לאט זיך אויס און איך פלאן נישט אריינצוברענגן נאך פון די שווארצע, איך האב אבער און סטאק אן אנדערע שווארצע כמעט די זעלבע אבער דאך אנדערש,
איז א פראבלעם אויב איך ניץ איבער די אלטע שווארצע Asin פאר די צווייטע שווארצע (פארשטייט זיך מיט די ריכטיגע בילדער און אינפארמאציע)
און בכלל האב איך עפעס רויח פון נוצן אן אלטן Asin ענדערש פון מאכן אינגאנצן א נייע variation?

ישר כח פאר אייער הילף..
נימער ערגערס
שר חמישים ומאתים
תגובות: 268
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דינסטאג אפריל 02, 2019 11:27 pm


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תגובה דורך נימער ערגערס »

איז דא עפעס א וועג מ'זאל נישט דארפן צוטיילן גאנצע פעלעטס?
הר גריזים
שר האלף
תגובות: 1531
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג אוגוסט 14, 2017 1:34 pm

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  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך הר גריזים »

פתח פיך האט געשריבן:איך האב א ליסטינג מיט 4 variations, א רויטע ברוינע שווארצע, און די שווארצע לאט זיך אויס און איך פלאן נישט אריינצוברענגן נאך פון די שווארצע, איך האב אבער און סטאק אן אנדערע שווארצע כמעט די זעלבע אבער דאך אנדערש,
איז א פראבלעם אויב איך ניץ איבער די אלטע שווארצע Asin פאר די צווייטע שווארצע (פארשטייט זיך מיט די ריכטיגע בילדער און אינפארמאציע)
און בכלל האב איך עפעס רויח פון נוצן אן אלטן Asin ענדערש פון מאכן אינגאנצן א נייע variation?

ישר כח פאר אייער הילף..

עכט טאר מען נישט, די ריוויוס זענען דאך נישט פאר די אייטעם..
בדרך כלל וועט אבער גארנישט געשען, אויסער אויב א קאסטומער (קאמפעטישאן) וועט קאמפלעינען אז די ריוויוס שטומען נישט מיט די אייטעם..
וואס דו פארדינסט איז, ווען די וועריעישאן איז אז ס'איז די זעלבע אייטעם נאר א אנדערע קאליר אדער סייז אדער וויפיל אין א פעקעדש קומען ארויס אלע ריוויוס פון די אנדערע וועריעישאן משא"כ אויב די וועריעישאן איז א דיפרענט אייטעם..
א אלטע ASIN רעינקד שוין לכאורה ביי די קי ווארדס ווי דו ווילסט ארויסקומען משא"כ א נייע ASIN
הר גריזים
שר האלף
תגובות: 1531
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג אוגוסט 14, 2017 1:34 pm

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  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך הר גריזים »

ר' יום טוב האט געשריבן:
הענדימען האט געשריבן:קען זיין ס'שוין געשטאנען. כ'האב נישט קיין געדולד צו זוכן

עמעזאן ביזנעס אפערט ספעציעלע פרייזן פאר ביזנעסער. די פראבלעם איז אז די ספעציעלע פרייזן זענען גאר טייערער


ווען מ'פייט אויף א ביי באקס און מ'רוקט אראפ די פרייז פארגעסט מען אוויך אראפצוריקן די ביזנעס אפערט פרייזן.
פתח פיך
שר העשר
תגובות: 34
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דאנערשטאג מארטש 30, 2017 6:59 pm

א שיינעם דאנק

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  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך פתח פיך »

איך האב א ליסטינג מיט 4 variations, א רויטע ברוינע שווארצע, און די שווארצע לאט זיך אויס און איך פלאן נישט אריינצוברענגן נאך פון די שווארצע, איך האב אבער און סטאק אן אנדערע שווארצע כמעט די זעלבע אבער דאך אנדערש,
איז א פראבלעם אויב איך ניץ איבער די אלטע שווארצע Asin פאר די צווייטע שווארצע (פארשטייט זיך מיט די ריכטיגע בילדער און אינפארמאציע)
און בכלל האב איך עפעס רויח פון נוצן אן אלטן Asin ענדערש פון מאכן אינגאנצן א נייע variation?

ישר כח פאר אייער הילף.
עכט טאר מען נישט, די ריוויוס זענען דאך נישט פאר די אייטעם..
בדרך כלל וועט אבער גארנישט געשען, אויסער אויב א קאסטומער (קאמפעטישאן) וועט קאמפלעינען אז די ריוויוס שטומען נישט מיט די אייטעם..
וואס דו פארדינסט איז, ווען די וועריעישאן איז אז ס'איז די זעלבע אייטעם נאר א אנדערע קאליר אדער סייז אדער וויפיל אין א פעקעדש קומען ארויס אלע ריוויוס פון די אנדערע וועריעישאן משא"כ אויב די וועריעישאן איז א דיפרענט אייטעם..
א אלטע ASIN רעינקד שוין לכאורה ביי די קי ווארדס ווי דו ווילסט ארויסקומען משא"כ א נייע ASIN
שר האלף
תגובות: 1061
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג אקטאבער 18, 2015 11:23 am

  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך השמש »

צולייגער האט געשריבן:@ חושב, יו אר מיסינג די פוינט... מען גייט נישט ארויף אויף זיין ליסטינג, זיי עפענען אייגענע ליסטינג מיט פעיק ריוויאס.

איך וואונדער זיך נאר אויף זיין זיכערקייט אז ס'איז זיכער דא א וועג דאס צו קאנטראלירן.

https://reviewmeta.com/blog/amazon-floo ... s-in-2019/
ער שרייבט דא דערוועגן
לויט ווי עס קוקט אויס וועט עמעזאן אויפהערן די נאן וועריפייד ריוויִאָס
די שאלה איז נאר וואס מען טוט ביז דעמאלטס ?
שוין גערופן שוין געאימעלד זיי ענטפערן אז זיי גייען עס ריפּארטן אבער עס געשעהט נישט גארנישט
געוואלד מען דארף דאך האבן פסח צו מאכן
לא יהיה לך עוד השמש לאור יומם ולנגה הירח לא יאיר לך והיה לך ד' לאור עולם ואלקיך לתפארתך.
שר מאה
תגובות: 147
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דינסטאג דעצעמבער 15, 2015 8:42 pm

  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך health »

health האט געשריבן:Anyone with experience with a account that was reinstated by seller performance team, but still gets an error when trying to send in inventory to FBA saying that the account is suspended?

Tried reaching out to seller performance, and product compliance, and VAT, everyone saying the other team has to fix this backend problem.

Any help will be appreciated.

Any advise please???
שר חמשת אלפים
תגובות: 5122
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דאנערשטאג יוני 02, 2016 4:25 pm
לאקאציע: אויפן קאוטש

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  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך nmi »

ווען איך קויף א בוך פון עמעזאן קען איך עס נאכדעם ליינען אין קינדעל?
https://www.nmi.com/ שטיצט א גוי
שר האלף
תגובות: 1061
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג אקטאבער 18, 2015 11:23 am

  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך השמש »

פתח פיך האט געשריבן:איך האב א ליסטינג מיט 4 variations, א רויטע ברוינע שווארצע, און די שווארצע לאט זיך אויס און איך פלאן נישט אריינצוברענגן נאך פון די שווארצע, איך האב אבער און סטאק אן אנדערע שווארצע כמעט די זעלבע אבער דאך אנדערש,
איז א פראבלעם אויב איך ניץ איבער די אלטע שווארצע Asin פאר די צווייטע שווארצע (פארשטייט זיך מיט די ריכטיגע בילדער און אינפארמאציע)
און בכלל האב איך עפעס רויח פון נוצן אן אלטן Asin ענדערש פון מאכן אינגאנצן א נייע variation?

ישר כח פאר אייער הילף.
עכט טאר מען נישט, די ריוויוס זענען דאך נישט פאר די אייטעם..
בדרך כלל וועט אבער גארנישט געשען, אויסער אויב א קאסטומער (קאמפעטישאן) וועט קאמפלעינען אז די ריוויוס שטומען נישט מיט די אייטעם..
וואס דו פארדינסט איז, ווען די וועריעישאן איז אז ס'איז די זעלבע אייטעם נאר א אנדערע קאליר אדער סייז אדער וויפיל אין א פעקעדש קומען ארויס אלע ריוויוס פון די אנדערע וועריעישאן משא"כ אויב די וועריעישאן איז א דיפרענט אייטעם..
א אלטע ASIN רעינקד שוין לכאורה ביי די קי ווארדס ווי דו ווילסט ארויסקומען משא"כ א נייע ASIN

די האסט אסאך רוויח, אז די קומסט שוין ארויף, די האסט שוין ריוויִאָס
די שאלה איז וויפיל אנדערש זענען די צוויי אייטעמס ?
אויב עס איז אינגאנצן אנדערש לוינט עס זיך נישט אויב עס איז אביסל אנדערש לוינט זיך עס לכוארה
אויך ווילאנג פלאנסטו צו פארקויפן אויב ווילסטו ענדיגן די סטאק אין א חודש צוויי איז איין זאך אויב פלאנסטו צו בלייבן מיט די ליסטינג איז א צווייטע זאך
לא יהיה לך עוד השמש לאור יומם ולנגה הירח לא יאיר לך והיה לך ד' לאור עולם ואלקיך לתפארתך.
חושב מחשבות...
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2818
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מיטוואך מארטש 16, 2016 9:25 pm
לאקאציע: בין שמים לארץ

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  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך חושב מחשבות... »

ביז וויפיל ריוויוס לוינט צו שוויצן און ארבעטן צו באקומען? דהיינו ביי וויפיל ריוויוס הייסט שוין א ליסטינג אויף א גוטע סטעידזש.
סוף מעשה במחשבה תחילה.
שר חמש מאות
תגובות: 792
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג מארטש 18, 2018 4:43 pm
לאקאציע: ליידער און גלות

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  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך שרייזשע »

ווענדט זיך אמתדיג לויט די קאמפעטישען
צעקה בקול דממה דקה
חושב מחשבות...
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2818
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מיטוואך מארטש 16, 2016 9:25 pm
לאקאציע: בין שמים לארץ

  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך חושב מחשבות... »

שרייזשע האט געשריבן:ווענדט זיך אמתדיג לויט די קאמפעטישען

ס'זייער שווער צו זאגן אזוי ווייל איבעראל איז דא דעי 2 אלטע סעלערס וואס האבן העכער טויזענט ריוויוס, די שאלה איז מער אין די מיינדסעט פון א מענטש וואס קויפט, אויף וויפיל פילט שוין דער קונה אז יא דער איז טראטבאר און איז נישט סתם עפעס א נאכשלעפער, קוק וויפיל מענטשן האבן שוין געקויפט...
סוף מעשה במחשבה תחילה.
שר ארבעת האלפים
תגובות: 4446
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דאנערשטאג אקטאבער 01, 2015 8:56 pm

  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך פאראויס »

חושב מחשבות... האט געשריבן:ביז וויפיל ריוויוס לוינט צו שוויצן און ארבעטן צו באקומען? דהיינו ביי וויפיל ריוויוס הייסט שוין א ליסטינג אויף א גוטע סטעידזש.

געליינט אז 21. דעמאלס ביזטו שוין א שטיקל יש.
Know your profits per ASIN, your inventory forecasting, ppc, and more, for just $19.99 a month. Try it for two months FREE with this link:
שר ארבעת האלפים
תגובות: 4446
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דאנערשטאג אקטאבער 01, 2015 8:56 pm

  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך פאראויס »

שוין געהאט אייטעמס וואס זענען געגאנגען מיט 0 ריוויוס אויך.
שוין געהאט וואס ס'איז נישט געגאנגען מיט 50 אויך נישט.
Know your profits per ASIN, your inventory forecasting, ppc, and more, for just $19.99 a month. Try it for two months FREE with this link:
שר האלף
תגובות: 1061
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג אקטאבער 18, 2015 11:23 am

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תגובה דורך השמש »

חושב מחשבות... האט געשריבן:
שרייזשע האט געשריבן:ווענדט זיך אמתדיג לויט די קאמפעטישען

ס'זייער שווער צו זאגן אזוי ווייל איבעראל איז דא דעי 2 אלטע סעלערס וואס האבן העכער טויזענט ריוויוס, די שאלה איז מער אין די מיינדסעט פון א מענטש וואס קויפט, אויף וויפיל פילט שוין דער קונה אז יא דער איז טראטבאר און איז נישט סתם עפעס א נאכשלעפער, קוק וויפיל מענטשן האבן שוין געקויפט...

די עיקר איז האבן וואס מער גוטע. אויב דיינע קאמפעטישן האבן 4.3 האב די 4.7
50 איז שוין א נומער
לא יהיה לך עוד השמש לאור יומם ולנגה הירח לא יאיר לך והיה לך ד' לאור עולם ואלקיך לתפארתך.
חושב מחשבות...
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2818
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מיטוואך מארטש 16, 2016 9:25 pm
לאקאציע: בין שמים לארץ

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יישר כח פאר אלע מגיבים
סוף מעשה במחשבה תחילה.
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תגובות: 2818
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מיטוואך מארטש 16, 2016 9:25 pm
לאקאציע: בין שמים לארץ

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תגובה דורך חושב מחשבות... »

איינער דא האט עקספיריענס אין ברענגן טרעפיק צו א ליסטינג דורך סאדעל מידיע ווי פעיסבוק וכדו'
און קען עס דינען אלס א ממלא מקום פון רעגולער עמעזאן ppc אדער נישט

ועוד טאמער זעהט איינער הצלחה מיטן ארויסשיקן אימעילס צו קאסטימערס (דורך געקויפטע אימעיל ליסטס וכדו',) ברענגט עס סעילס אדער איז עס וועיסט אף מאני?
סוף מעשה במחשבה תחילה.
בנציון יאזעפאוויטש
שר חמש מאות
תגובות: 576
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג נאוועמבער 24, 2014 9:46 am

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תגובה דורך בנציון יאזעפאוויטש »

ממלא מקו' ממש זיכער נישט
שר האלף
תגובות: 1061
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג אקטאבער 18, 2015 11:23 am

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תגובה דורך השמש »

חושב מחשבות... האט געשריבן:איינער דא האט עקספיריענס אין ברענגן טרעפיק צו א ליסטינג דורך סאדעל מידיע ווי פעיסבוק וכדו'
און קען עס דינען אלס א ממלא מקום פון רעגולער עמעזאן ppc אדער נישט

ועוד טאמער זעהט איינער הצלחה מיטן ארויסשיקן אימעילס צו קאסטימערס (דורך געקויפטע אימעיל ליסטס וכדו',) ברענגט עס סעילס אדער איז עס וועיסט אף מאני?

עס איז אסאך מעלות אבער עס קען קאסטן אסאך מער געלט
עס איז זייער שווער צו זאגן ווען איך ווייס נישט וואס די פארקויפסט
קודם כל
אויב דיין אייטעם פארקויפט זיך כמעט נאר אויף עמעזאן לכוארה זייער ווייניג פין דיינע קאמפעטישן עטוועטייזען אויף אינ- פב קען אפילו זיין עס וועט אויסקומען ביליגער
אבער אויב עס למשל א ביאָטי אייטעם וואס איז דא טויזענטער עטוועטייזען אויף אינ-פב לוינט זיך עס לכוארה נישט

נעם אין אכט
אויף אינסטעגרעם - פב איז דא מענטשן וואס וועלען נאר קויפן אויף עמעזאן אדער איבעי אדער אנדערע פלעצער סא דארפסטו קודם
רעכענען אז האלב מענטשן וועלען זיכער נישט קויפן אויף עמעזאן בכלל, און נאכדעם דארף שוין געפעלן דיין אייטעם פאר די מענטש
לאמיר עס מאכן 25 %
משא"כ אויף עמעזאן קומט ער קויפן אויף עמעזאן דארף ער נאר געפעלן דיין אייטעם איז עס 50%

נאך א פוינט
אויב דיין אייטעם איז א פשוט'ע אייטעם לוינט לכוארה נישט אויב עס איז א נייע אויסטרעף אדער אזאך וואס איז ספעציעל (איז האט א מעלה וואס דיינע קאמפעטישן האבן נישט ( קען זיך עס יא לוינען אויב האסטו א וויידיאָ וואס ברענגט ארויס די מעלה
לא יהיה לך עוד השמש לאור יומם ולנגה הירח לא יאיר לך והיה לך ד' לאור עולם ואלקיך לתפארתך.
חיים אלכסנדר
שר חמישים ומאתים
תגובות: 458
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג אוגוסט 13, 2017 7:11 pm

URL טריקס און שווארצע-מארקעט אינסיידער אינפא.

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תגובה דורך חיים אלכסנדר »

דער טאג איז אנגעקומען.
עס איז לכאורה דער שוידער מאמענט פאר ווער עס האט עס גענוצט (בקביעות), און זיג מאמענט פאר דעם וואס האט ערליך געספענד פאר עדס און נישט געזען ריזולטאטן קעגן קאמפעטישען.
בכל אופן וועט אפעקטירן יעדן ווייל עמעזאן וועט בכלליות גאר שטאק אינפארסן יעדע נארישע שריט - וואס וועט איראניש ברענגען פרישע אפארטונעטיס צו הארגענען נאך גרינגער דעם קאמפעטישן...
ווי באוויסט קענען די וועלטליכע פראפעשענאל העקערס ברעכען יעדע גאווערמענט סיסטעם, אבער נישט יעדער האט די ביינער אויפצושטעלן א אייגענע שפיאנאזש ביזנעס. אבער דא קענען נוצן זייער טאלאנט אקעגן עמעזאן'ס אלגעריטם, און שארן גאלד אין טאש אריין.

https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/le ... h-rankings

Some Amazon Sellers Are Paying $10,000 A Month To Trick Their Way To The Top
An emerging black market offers Amazon sellers pricey ways to cheat the marketplace and mislead customers, according to documents obtained by BuzzFeed News.
For the millions of third-party sellers on Amazon’s marketplace, maintaining a successful business is a constant battle to rank high in search results, collect positive product reviews, and keep up with Amazon when it releases its own branded versions of sellers’ most successful products. This intense competition has led to the emergence of a secretive, lucrative black market where agents peddle “black hat” services, sometimes obtained by bribing Amazon employees, that purportedly give marketplace sellers an advantage over their rivals, according to documents obtained by BuzzFeed News.
The most prominent black hat companies for US Amazon sellers offer ways to manipulate Amazon’s ranking system to promote products, protect accounts from disciplinary actions, and crush competitors. Sometimes, these black hat companies bribe corporate Amazon employees to leak information from the company’s wiki pages and business reports, which they then resell to marketplace sellers for steep prices. One black hat company charges as much as $10,000 a month to help Amazon sellers appear at the top of product search results. Other tactics to promote sellers’ products include removing negative reviews from product pages and exploiting technical loopholes on Amazon’s site to lift products’ overall sales rankings. These services make it harder for Amazon sellers who abide by the company’s terms of service to succeed in the marketplace, and sellers who rely on these tactics mislead customers and undermine trust in Amazon’s products.
“The extent to which sellers go to game the system, and the amount of resources they devote to doing it, [are] a testament to how Amazon's recommendation and ranking algorithms shape consumption,” Renee DiResta, director of research at cybersecurity company New Knowledge, told BuzzFeed News. “While Amazon repeats that 'even one fake review is too many,' the fact remains that manipulative tactics from dishonest sellers make honest business owners afraid that they can't remain competitive. And when manipulation is successful, it's Amazon's customers who are the victims."
This black hat economy continues to elude Amazon’s detection, despite the company’s efforts to better combat fraud on its site. Although shoppers tend to trust Amazon, the site has long struggled to deal with scams on its marketplace, which include secret organized fake review rings and get-rich-quick schemes that scam sellers out of thousands of dollars. Some third-party Amazon sellers told BuzzFeed News that the use of black hat tactics has become so widespread that when one seller is banned for employing these methods, another seller doing the same thing pops up in their plaace.
Amazon declined to comment on the specific black hat consulting firms named in this story, but it told BuzzFeed News that these “bad actors make up a fraction of activity” on the site.
The rise of black hat consultants comes as Amazon’s marketplace continues to become a more significant piece of its retail business. Amazon’s third-party sellers now make up 58% of total sales on the platform, at $160 billion, compared to $117 billion in sales by the company’s own retail business, according to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. But as that third-party marketplace grows, so does the fierce competition among its millions of sellers across the world.
Davide Nicolucci, founder and director of the Amazon marketing consulting firm Growth Hack, has been critical of black hat tactics on Amazon. He told BuzzFeed News that the marketplace has become so competitive and fraught with black hat manipulation that some sellers feel compelled to break the rules and employ these tactics.
“Amazon is so slow in responding to cases, by the time Amazon resolves your issue, you’ve lost so much money you might as well do black hat,” he said. “It’s crazy. It’s a war.”
While Amazon has made some effort to police manipulation of its marketplace, the business of black hat consultants continues to prosper, largely hiding in plain sight. A simple search on YouTube for “super URL” brings up dozens of tutorials on how to manipulate Amazon’s ranking system by writing a few words into a product URL that tricks the algorithm into believing real shoppers are finding a specific item through popular keyword searches and adding it to their shopping carts and wish lists. Amazon black hat consultants frequently speak at Amazon seller conferences and events, and some run their own private groups on Facebook, which is where most Amazon sellers connect with one another. For sellers, buying black hat services can be as simple as sending a message on Facebook or attending an online webinar.
One such site that markets black hat services to Amazon sellers, AmzPandora, offers clients a menu of services, which range in price from $1 for a single thumbs-up on a product review to $10,000 to reinstate a suspended account, according to documents obtained by BuzzFeed News. The site AmzPandora.com disappeared after BuzzFeed News contacted the site’s owner, a China-based consultant who goes by the name John Zhu, who operates another black hat tactics site called ClockWorks.deepbrief.net. This site also went offline before publication.
AmzPandora’s services ranged from small tasks to more ambitious strategies to rank a product higher using Amazon’s algorithm. While it was online, it offered to ping internal contacts at Amazon for $500 to get information about why a seller’s account had been suspended, as well as advice on how to appeal the suspension. For $300, the company promised to remove an unspecified number of negative reviews on a listing within three to seven days, which would help increase the overall star rating for a product. For $1.50, the company offered a service to fool the algorithm into believing a product had been added to a shopper’s cart or wish list by writing a super URL. And for $1,200, an Amazon seller could purchase a “frequently bought together” spot on another marketplace product’s page that would appear for two weeks, which AmzPandora promised would lead to a 10% increase in sales. Amazon declined to specifically comment on AmzPandora and the services it offered marketplace sellers.
Another service AmzPandora offered for $550, called “selling status removed check,” would provide sellers with suspended accounts with information about why the suspension happened, Zhu told BuzzFeed News in March over Skype. He said that this service “is currently not working,” but his company sometimes pays Amazon premium account managers around $2,500 to “help us check.”
Zhu told BuzzFeed News that many of the services AmzPandora offered simply scrape publicly available data, like customer emails and phone numbers, from Facebook and Google. He said his offerings didn’t violate Amazon’s terms of service and that “this is what everybody else [does].” Zhu eventually hung up the call and refused to respond to several attempts for additional comment.
“The bad actors that offer these underhanded services and those who purchase them show a flagrant disregard for our community, our policies, and, in some cases, the law, and do not reflect the flourishing community of honest entrepreneurs that make up the vast majority of our sellers,” Amazon said in a statement. “We will continue to combat them, make it more difficult for them to hide, and work with law enforcement to hold them accountable by withholding funds and pursuing civil and criminal penalties.”
Though Zhu said his business isn’t breaking the rules, during a recording of an October ClockWorks seminar for clients obtained by BuzzFeed News, he admitted he is using information collected directly from Amazon employees. He advised attendees to “stay low” and warned that they “don’t want anything to leak out so these tactics are not available anymore.”
“I don’t make this stuff up. It’s from Amazon internal.”
During the seminar, Zhu said that he can pull an analysis of a product listing that comes directly from “internal” Amazon, which gives a seller insight into their competitors. In a sample report Zhu showed in a PowerPoint presentation, he explained how Amazon’s internal product’s ranking system works, saying that it is based on recurring purchases, searches, and pageviews.
“I don’t make this stuff up,” he said during the seminar. “It’s from Amazon internal.”
Amazon told BuzzFeed News that it has “sophisticated systems to restrict and audit access to information” and that any employee who violates its code of ethics can face discipline, termination, and possible legal and criminal penalties. It also said it takes action against sellers who pay for internal information; penalties include terminating their selling accounts, deleting reviews, withholding funds, and taking legal action. Amazon declined to comment on whether the information Zhu presented in the seminar is available only to internal employees or how it was obtained.
Zhu’s seminar amounted to a two-hour pitch about the benefits and black hat tricks a seller can access and employ with a “Cobra Account” available through ClockWorks. During the talk, Zhu took attendees through the many steps of hijacking a listing from its original owner. He explained how to manipulate the marketplace to avoid the $150 fee to list a “Lightning Deal” and he advised how sellers can snag coveted “Vine Voice” reviews on their products, which is a designation shoppers tend to trust. He also detailed how sellers can sabotage their competitors by creating fake buyer accounts with black market credit cards to write negative reviews and “send[ing] flooded emails” to sellers over Amazon’s messaging system with terms like “counterfeit,” “fired,” “broken,” “fake products,” and “poison.” A PowerPoint slide in the presentation says this can get the targeted account blocked or terminated “for sure.” Zhu also said in the seminar that through the “Cobra Account” his company offers, an Amazon seller can create an untraceable customer profile to write reviews, as well as upvote or downvote reviews for their own products and competitors’.
Amazon has ramped up its battle against fraud and illicit tactics on its marketplace over the last few years, which includes a crackdown in December on employees who take bribes to leak customer information. But its marketplace is so sprawling that attempts to combat bad actors add up to an ongoing game of whack-a-mole.
As recently as March 21, AmzPandora was promoting a service that offered to obtain a customer’s email address for sellers, according to documents obtained by BuzzFeed News. Amazon prohibits third-party sellers from accessing any of its customers’ email addresses or phone numbers because it limits communication to Amazon’s messaging system.
Amazon’s terms of service for sellers expressly prohibit “any attempt to manipulate sales rank.” This includes accepting fake orders, placing orders on your own products, and paying buyers to purchase products. It also prohibits sellers from creating multiple seller accounts, writing reviews on their own products, and simulating customer traffic to a product — all of which black hat companies like AmzPandora offer to do for clients.
Although the black hat seller service market is secretive, there’s a low barrier to entry for buyers. One site called Black Hat Tech — blackhattech.asinspy.net — lets interested sellers order black hat services as simply as placing an order over WeChat. The company offers services like “remove bad review” for 1,500 Chinese yuan (about $223 US) and “manipulate the reviews [and] manipulate the sales rank” for the cost of 41,000 Chinese yuan (about $6,100 US). The company declined to comment to BuzzFeed News.
Amazon told BuzzFeed News it relies on teams of investigators, automated technology, and machine learning technology to prevent and detect inauthentic reviews at scale, and to take action against the bad actors behind the abuse. Its team also works with social media sites to stop inauthentic reviews that are curated in private groups, it said.
“Amazon invests significant resources to protect the integrity of reviews in our store because we know customers value the insights and experiences shared by fellow shoppers,” Amazon said. “Even one inauthentic review is one too many. We have clear participation guidelines for both reviewers and selling partners and we suspend, ban, and take legal action on those who violate our policies.”
“It's not rare for me to be on the phone with a grown man who is crying because he's lost his entire business.”
One black hat consultant, who asked to remain anonymous, told BuzzFeed News that he can get a suspended Amazon seller account reinstated by pulling strings with his employee connections inside Amazon. He said he sometimes repays these employees, who are based outside of the US, with favors like help with their US immigration papers. He charges sellers about $2,000 to reinstate an account that was suspended for slow shipping rates or similar customer complaints. The consultant even has a solution for sellers caught selling counterfeits, which Amazon has taken a hard line against. Reinstating an account suspended for alleged counterfeits can cost between $4,000 and $4,500.
The consultant said that he knows this service is against the rules, but he sees third-party sellers as David facing off with Amazon’s Goliath.
"It’s not rare for me to be on the phone with a grown man who is crying because he’s lost his entire business," an Amazon consultant, who asked to remain anonymous, told BuzzFeed News.
Another site, called Seller Mafia, is run by a Shenzhen-based consultant named Howard Thai who has branded himself as the “Professor of Amazon.” Its most expensive product is a plan called “stealth ranking system,” which allows a seller’s product to appear in query results when a customer on Amazon searches for competitive words on their product, according to documents obtained by BuzzFeed News. For $2,000, Seller Mafia promises to rank three highly competitive keywords for a client’s product, which manipulates the keyword parameters in an Amazon URL to manufacture a relationship between a product and keyword. To do this, the company can write an Amazon URL that includes the client’s product and keyword and then have bots or paid workers click on the link. This tells the algorithm that people who search for “protein powder,” as an example, are clicking on the client’s product. Thai declined to confirm that his company offers this service, but Seller Mafia features it on a list of services offered to clients. On SellerMafia.com, a seller can also buy a second “stealth seller” account for $1,000 that allows them to use a second account in case their first account is “hit by a competitor,” Thai told BuzzFeed News.
For just $5, Seller Mafia will “brush” an account, which is when a product page is stripped of all information except its reviews and listed with a new product, which is against Amazon’s marketplace rules. This allows a seller to inherit a positive star rating and high ranking for a product without ever selling anything. So a shopper may see a four-star product like a jade roller, but the listing has had previous lives as a garage opener and a step stool to earn that average four-star rating. The trick capitalizes on consumers who don’t always scroll through every review and may miss that a product listing had once been for a completely different item.
In an undated marketing video on Seller Mafia available to logged-in clients, which BuzzFeed News obtained, a Shenzhen-based seller named Kevin Zhang said that his product shot up Amazon’s ranks to become one of the top 10 products in the category after he consulted with Thai.
“Before we used the brushing system, we never imagined we could rank into the top 10 of Amazon,” he said in the video. “Right now we are number nine, and it’s still going up.” Amazon declined to directly comment on Seller Mafia’s services.
Some sellers who employ black hat tactics say they’re reluctant to do so, but don’t know how else to keep up with their competitors. A seller who uses Howard Thai’s suite of services on SellerMafia.com and asked to remain anonymous told BuzzFeed News that he’s been using different versions of black hat techniques since 2014, when Amazon’s marketplace became inundated with dirty selling tactics. That’s around when he said he noticed people using Amazon’s messaging system to send emails to shoppers offering free products in exchange for reviews and learned about offices full of people in Bangladesh paid to write fake reviews.
“Everybody is doing it,” he said. “People have to survive, so of course they’re going to do it. … They’re like, ‘Why the hell am I spending money on ads and I’m not on page one?’”
The seller said that without Seller Mafia he would barely break even on sales because the cost of advertising on Amazon is so high. He said he spends about 30% of sales on advertising. He currently makes about $3 million a year in net profits, but before he used Thai’s services he was making $73,000 a year.
“They’re upsetting me,” he said about sellers who depend on black hat tactics on Amazon. “You always want to do things the right way.”
Thai’s suite of services extend beyond the website. He also hosts classes where he charges sellers $10,000 to learn black hat techniques for “educational purposes,” he told BuzzFeed News. At a recent two-day seminar in New York City, about 30 people gathered in a small conference room at the Renaissance Hotel in Times Square to learn from Thai.
Thai told BuzzFeed News that the seminars aren’t teaching sellers how to cheat. He said he just teaches “what people are doing out there in China.”
“We don’t just do only black — we do a lot of white,” he added. This means he also teaches sellers tips that don’t violate Amazon’s rules.
But in a free webinar on March 28, Thai pitched an upcoming training in Shenzhen, China, and emphasized the unsanctioned nature of his services. He promised “the most controversial secrets in all of Amazon will be handed to you on a silver platter” and to “spill the EXACT strategies that have hacked Chinese sellers to massive success on Amazon time and time again.” Though he didn’t offer any specifics in his pitch, Thai assured that attendees “will receive UNFAIR amounts of competitive intelligence into your competitors so you can outmaneuver them.”
Chris McCabe, a former Amazon marketplace investigator who now runs an above-board seller consulting firm, ecommerceChris.com, told BuzzFeed News that black hat consultants and sellers who manipulate the company’s sales rank and try to undermine other sellers are experts at evading Amazon enforcement teams despite the company’s efforts to track them.
“Targeted sellers must constantly use defensive tactics through brand registry and reports to policy teams to counter the abuses, which takes away from brand development and revenue growth," he said.
The US-based seller who depends on Seller Mafia for his business said he’s doubtful that Amazon will be able to prevent people from using new black hat techniques in the future.
“They’re always going to figure it out,” he said. “Whatever the machine makes there’s a human to manipulate it.” ●[/align]
חיים אלכסנדר
שר חמישים ומאתים
תגובות: 458
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג אוגוסט 13, 2017 7:11 pm

עמעזאן מאכט צו 3'פארטי סעלערס אין טשיינע

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תגובה דורך חיים אלכסנדר »

עפעס גוטע נייעס. יולי 18 וועט עמעזאן פארמאכן די סעללער פלאטפארם אין טשיינע.
אבער זארגט נישט מען וועט נישט אזוי שנעל פטור ווערן פון זייערע שטיקעס.

https://www.engadget.com/2019/04/18/ama ... e-in-july/
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זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג אוגוסט 14, 2017 1:34 pm

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ווייסט איינער פון א סייט ווי מ'קען זען די סעילס רענק היסטארי פון א Asin א שטייגער ווי CamelCamelCamel אדער Kupa פלעגן צו האבן?
חושב מחשבות...
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זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מיטוואך מארטש 16, 2016 9:25 pm
לאקאציע: בין שמים לארץ

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חיים אלכסנדר האט געשריבן:דער טאג איז אנגעקומען.
עס איז לכאורה דער שוידער מאמענט פאר ווער עס האט עס גענוצט (בקביעות), און זיג מאמענט פאר דעם וואס האט ערליך געספענד פאר עדס און נישט געזען ריזולטאטן קעגן קאמפעטישען.
בכל אופן וועט אפעקטירן יעדן ווייל עמעזאן וועט בכלליות גאר שטאק אינפארסן יעדע נארישע שריט - וואס וועט איראניש ברענגען פרישע אפארטונעטיס צו הארגענען נאך גרינגער דעם קאמפעטישן...
ווי באוויסט קענען די וועלטליכע פראפעשענאל העקערס ברעכען יעדע גאווערמענט סיסטעם, אבער נישט יעדער האט די ביינער אויפצושטעלן א אייגענע שפיאנאזש ביזנעס. אבער דא קענען נוצן זייער טאלאנט אקעגן עמעזאן'ס אלגעריטם, און שארן גאלד אין טאש אריין.

https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/le ... h-rankings

Some Amazon Sellers Are Paying $10,000 A Month To Trick Their Way To The Top
An emerging black market offers Amazon sellers pricey ways to cheat the marketplace and mislead customers, according to documents obtained by BuzzFeed News.
For the millions of third-party sellers on Amazon’s marketplace, maintaining a successful business is a constant battle to rank high in search results, collect positive product reviews, and keep up with Amazon when it releases its own branded versions of sellers’ most successful products. This intense competition has led to the emergence of a secretive, lucrative black market where agents peddle “black hat” services, sometimes obtained by bribing Amazon employees, that purportedly give marketplace sellers an advantage over their rivals, according to documents obtained by BuzzFeed News.
The most prominent black hat companies for US Amazon sellers offer ways to manipulate Amazon’s ranking system to promote products, protect accounts from disciplinary actions, and crush competitors. Sometimes, these black hat companies bribe corporate Amazon employees to leak information from the company’s wiki pages and business reports, which they then resell to marketplace sellers for steep prices. One black hat company charges as much as $10,000 a month to help Amazon sellers appear at the top of product search results. Other tactics to promote sellers’ products include removing negative reviews from product pages and exploiting technical loopholes on Amazon’s site to lift products’ overall sales rankings. These services make it harder for Amazon sellers who abide by the company’s terms of service to succeed in the marketplace, and sellers who rely on these tactics mislead customers and undermine trust in Amazon’s products.
“The extent to which sellers go to game the system, and the amount of resources they devote to doing it, [are] a testament to how Amazon's recommendation and ranking algorithms shape consumption,” Renee DiResta, director of research at cybersecurity company New Knowledge, told BuzzFeed News. “While Amazon repeats that 'even one fake review is too many,' the fact remains that manipulative tactics from dishonest sellers make honest business owners afraid that they can't remain competitive. And when manipulation is successful, it's Amazon's customers who are the victims."
This black hat economy continues to elude Amazon’s detection, despite the company’s efforts to better combat fraud on its site. Although shoppers tend to trust Amazon, the site has long struggled to deal with scams on its marketplace, which include secret organized fake review rings and get-rich-quick schemes that scam sellers out of thousands of dollars. Some third-party Amazon sellers told BuzzFeed News that the use of black hat tactics has become so widespread that when one seller is banned for employing these methods, another seller doing the same thing pops up in their plaace.
Amazon declined to comment on the specific black hat consulting firms named in this story, but it told BuzzFeed News that these “bad actors make up a fraction of activity” on the site.
The rise of black hat consultants comes as Amazon’s marketplace continues to become a more significant piece of its retail business. Amazon’s third-party sellers now make up 58% of total sales on the platform, at $160 billion, compared to $117 billion in sales by the company’s own retail business, according to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. But as that third-party marketplace grows, so does the fierce competition among its millions of sellers across the world.
Davide Nicolucci, founder and director of the Amazon marketing consulting firm Growth Hack, has been critical of black hat tactics on Amazon. He told BuzzFeed News that the marketplace has become so competitive and fraught with black hat manipulation that some sellers feel compelled to break the rules and employ these tactics.
“Amazon is so slow in responding to cases, by the time Amazon resolves your issue, you’ve lost so much money you might as well do black hat,” he said. “It’s crazy. It’s a war.”
While Amazon has made some effort to police manipulation of its marketplace, the business of black hat consultants continues to prosper, largely hiding in plain sight. A simple search on YouTube for “super URL” brings up dozens of tutorials on how to manipulate Amazon’s ranking system by writing a few words into a product URL that tricks the algorithm into believing real shoppers are finding a specific item through popular keyword searches and adding it to their shopping carts and wish lists. Amazon black hat consultants frequently speak at Amazon seller conferences and events, and some run their own private groups on Facebook, which is where most Amazon sellers connect with one another. For sellers, buying black hat services can be as simple as sending a message on Facebook or attending an online webinar.
One such site that markets black hat services to Amazon sellers, AmzPandora, offers clients a menu of services, which range in price from $1 for a single thumbs-up on a product review to $10,000 to reinstate a suspended account, according to documents obtained by BuzzFeed News. The site AmzPandora.com disappeared after BuzzFeed News contacted the site’s owner, a China-based consultant who goes by the name John Zhu, who operates another black hat tactics site called ClockWorks.deepbrief.net. This site also went offline before publication.
AmzPandora’s services ranged from small tasks to more ambitious strategies to rank a product higher using Amazon’s algorithm. While it was online, it offered to ping internal contacts at Amazon for $500 to get information about why a seller’s account had been suspended, as well as advice on how to appeal the suspension. For $300, the company promised to remove an unspecified number of negative reviews on a listing within three to seven days, which would help increase the overall star rating for a product. For $1.50, the company offered a service to fool the algorithm into believing a product had been added to a shopper’s cart or wish list by writing a super URL. And for $1,200, an Amazon seller could purchase a “frequently bought together” spot on another marketplace product’s page that would appear for two weeks, which AmzPandora promised would lead to a 10% increase in sales. Amazon declined to specifically comment on AmzPandora and the services it offered marketplace sellers.
Another service AmzPandora offered for $550, called “selling status removed check,” would provide sellers with suspended accounts with information about why the suspension happened, Zhu told BuzzFeed News in March over Skype. He said that this service “is currently not working,” but his company sometimes pays Amazon premium account managers around $2,500 to “help us check.”
Zhu told BuzzFeed News that many of the services AmzPandora offered simply scrape publicly available data, like customer emails and phone numbers, from Facebook and Google. He said his offerings didn’t violate Amazon’s terms of service and that “this is what everybody else [does].” Zhu eventually hung up the call and refused to respond to several attempts for additional comment.
“The bad actors that offer these underhanded services and those who purchase them show a flagrant disregard for our community, our policies, and, in some cases, the law, and do not reflect the flourishing community of honest entrepreneurs that make up the vast majority of our sellers,” Amazon said in a statement. “We will continue to combat them, make it more difficult for them to hide, and work with law enforcement to hold them accountable by withholding funds and pursuing civil and criminal penalties.”
Though Zhu said his business isn’t breaking the rules, during a recording of an October ClockWorks seminar for clients obtained by BuzzFeed News, he admitted he is using information collected directly from Amazon employees. He advised attendees to “stay low” and warned that they “don’t want anything to leak out so these tactics are not available anymore.”
“I don’t make this stuff up. It’s from Amazon internal.”
During the seminar, Zhu said that he can pull an analysis of a product listing that comes directly from “internal” Amazon, which gives a seller insight into their competitors. In a sample report Zhu showed in a PowerPoint presentation, he explained how Amazon’s internal product’s ranking system works, saying that it is based on recurring purchases, searches, and pageviews.
“I don’t make this stuff up,” he said during the seminar. “It’s from Amazon internal.”
Amazon told BuzzFeed News that it has “sophisticated systems to restrict and audit access to information” and that any employee who violates its code of ethics can face discipline, termination, and possible legal and criminal penalties. It also said it takes action against sellers who pay for internal information; penalties include terminating their selling accounts, deleting reviews, withholding funds, and taking legal action. Amazon declined to comment on whether the information Zhu presented in the seminar is available only to internal employees or how it was obtained.
Zhu’s seminar amounted to a two-hour pitch about the benefits and black hat tricks a seller can access and employ with a “Cobra Account” available through ClockWorks. During the talk, Zhu took attendees through the many steps of hijacking a listing from its original owner. He explained how to manipulate the marketplace to avoid the $150 fee to list a “Lightning Deal” and he advised how sellers can snag coveted “Vine Voice” reviews on their products, which is a designation shoppers tend to trust. He also detailed how sellers can sabotage their competitors by creating fake buyer accounts with black market credit cards to write negative reviews and “send[ing] flooded emails” to sellers over Amazon’s messaging system with terms like “counterfeit,” “fired,” “broken,” “fake products,” and “poison.” A PowerPoint slide in the presentation says this can get the targeted account blocked or terminated “for sure.” Zhu also said in the seminar that through the “Cobra Account” his company offers, an Amazon seller can create an untraceable customer profile to write reviews, as well as upvote or downvote reviews for their own products and competitors’.
Amazon has ramped up its battle against fraud and illicit tactics on its marketplace over the last few years, which includes a crackdown in December on employees who take bribes to leak customer information. But its marketplace is so sprawling that attempts to combat bad actors add up to an ongoing game of whack-a-mole.
As recently as March 21, AmzPandora was promoting a service that offered to obtain a customer’s email address for sellers, according to documents obtained by BuzzFeed News. Amazon prohibits third-party sellers from accessing any of its customers’ email addresses or phone numbers because it limits communication to Amazon’s messaging system.
Amazon’s terms of service for sellers expressly prohibit “any attempt to manipulate sales rank.” This includes accepting fake orders, placing orders on your own products, and paying buyers to purchase products. It also prohibits sellers from creating multiple seller accounts, writing reviews on their own products, and simulating customer traffic to a product — all of which black hat companies like AmzPandora offer to do for clients.
Although the black hat seller service market is secretive, there’s a low barrier to entry for buyers. One site called Black Hat Tech — blackhattech.asinspy.net — lets interested sellers order black hat services as simply as placing an order over WeChat. The company offers services like “remove bad review” for 1,500 Chinese yuan (about $223 US) and “manipulate the reviews [and] manipulate the sales rank” for the cost of 41,000 Chinese yuan (about $6,100 US). The company declined to comment to BuzzFeed News.
Amazon told BuzzFeed News it relies on teams of investigators, automated technology, and machine learning technology to prevent and detect inauthentic reviews at scale, and to take action against the bad actors behind the abuse. Its team also works with social media sites to stop inauthentic reviews that are curated in private groups, it said.
“Amazon invests significant resources to protect the integrity of reviews in our store because we know customers value the insights and experiences shared by fellow shoppers,” Amazon said. “Even one inauthentic review is one too many. We have clear participation guidelines for both reviewers and selling partners and we suspend, ban, and take legal action on those who violate our policies.”
“It's not rare for me to be on the phone with a grown man who is crying because he's lost his entire business.”
One black hat consultant, who asked to remain anonymous, told BuzzFeed News that he can get a suspended Amazon seller account reinstated by pulling strings with his employee connections inside Amazon. He said he sometimes repays these employees, who are based outside of the US, with favors like help with their US immigration papers. He charges sellers about $2,000 to reinstate an account that was suspended for slow shipping rates or similar customer complaints. The consultant even has a solution for sellers caught selling counterfeits, which Amazon has taken a hard line against. Reinstating an account suspended for alleged counterfeits can cost between $4,000 and $4,500.
The consultant said that he knows this service is against the rules, but he sees third-party sellers as David facing off with Amazon’s Goliath.
"It’s not rare for me to be on the phone with a grown man who is crying because he’s lost his entire business," an Amazon consultant, who asked to remain anonymous, told BuzzFeed News.
Another site, called Seller Mafia, is run by a Shenzhen-based consultant named Howard Thai who has branded himself as the “Professor of Amazon.” Its most expensive product is a plan called “stealth ranking system,” which allows a seller’s product to appear in query results when a customer on Amazon searches for competitive words on their product, according to documents obtained by BuzzFeed News. For $2,000, Seller Mafia promises to rank three highly competitive keywords for a client’s product, which manipulates the keyword parameters in an Amazon URL to manufacture a relationship between a product and keyword. To do this, the company can write an Amazon URL that includes the client’s product and keyword and then have bots or paid workers click on the link. This tells the algorithm that people who search for “protein powder,” as an example, are clicking on the client’s product. Thai declined to confirm that his company offers this service, but Seller Mafia features it on a list of services offered to clients. On SellerMafia.com, a seller can also buy a second “stealth seller” account for $1,000 that allows them to use a second account in case their first account is “hit by a competitor,” Thai told BuzzFeed News.
For just $5, Seller Mafia will “brush” an account, which is when a product page is stripped of all information except its reviews and listed with a new product, which is against Amazon’s marketplace rules. This allows a seller to inherit a positive star rating and high ranking for a product without ever selling anything. So a shopper may see a four-star product like a jade roller, but the listing has had previous lives as a garage opener and a step stool to earn that average four-star rating. The trick capitalizes on consumers who don’t always scroll through every review and may miss that a product listing had once been for a completely different item.
In an undated marketing video on Seller Mafia available to logged-in clients, which BuzzFeed News obtained, a Shenzhen-based seller named Kevin Zhang said that his product shot up Amazon’s ranks to become one of the top 10 products in the category after he consulted with Thai.
“Before we used the brushing system, we never imagined we could rank into the top 10 of Amazon,” he said in the video. “Right now we are number nine, and it’s still going up.” Amazon declined to directly comment on Seller Mafia’s services.
Some sellers who employ black hat tactics say they’re reluctant to do so, but don’t know how else to keep up with their competitors. A seller who uses Howard Thai’s suite of services on SellerMafia.com and asked to remain anonymous told BuzzFeed News that he’s been using different versions of black hat techniques since 2014, when Amazon’s marketplace became inundated with dirty selling tactics. That’s around when he said he noticed people using Amazon’s messaging system to send emails to shoppers offering free products in exchange for reviews and learned about offices full of people in Bangladesh paid to write fake reviews.
“Everybody is doing it,” he said. “People have to survive, so of course they’re going to do it. … They’re like, ‘Why the hell am I spending money on ads and I’m not on page one?’”
The seller said that without Seller Mafia he would barely break even on sales because the cost of advertising on Amazon is so high. He said he spends about 30% of sales on advertising. He currently makes about $3 million a year in net profits, but before he used Thai’s services he was making $73,000 a year.
“They’re upsetting me,” he said about sellers who depend on black hat tactics on Amazon. “You always want to do things the right way.”
Thai’s suite of services extend beyond the website. He also hosts classes where he charges sellers $10,000 to learn black hat techniques for “educational purposes,” he told BuzzFeed News. At a recent two-day seminar in New York City, about 30 people gathered in a small conference room at the Renaissance Hotel in Times Square to learn from Thai.
Thai told BuzzFeed News that the seminars aren’t teaching sellers how to cheat. He said he just teaches “what people are doing out there in China.”
“We don’t just do only black — we do a lot of white,” he added. This means he also teaches sellers tips that don’t violate Amazon’s rules.
But in a free webinar on March 28, Thai pitched an upcoming training in Shenzhen, China, and emphasized the unsanctioned nature of his services. He promised “the most controversial secrets in all of Amazon will be handed to you on a silver platter” and to “spill the EXACT strategies that have hacked Chinese sellers to massive success on Amazon time and time again.” Though he didn’t offer any specifics in his pitch, Thai assured that attendees “will receive UNFAIR amounts of competitive intelligence into your competitors so you can outmaneuver them.”
Chris McCabe, a former Amazon marketplace investigator who now runs an above-board seller consulting firm, ecommerceChris.com, told BuzzFeed News that black hat consultants and sellers who manipulate the company’s sales rank and try to undermine other sellers are experts at evading Amazon enforcement teams despite the company’s efforts to track them.
“Targeted sellers must constantly use defensive tactics through brand registry and reports to policy teams to counter the abuses, which takes away from brand development and revenue growth," he said.
The US-based seller who depends on Seller Mafia for his business said he’s doubtful that Amazon will be able to prevent people from using new black hat techniques in the future.
“They’re always going to figure it out,” he said. “Whatever the machine makes there’s a human to manipulate it.” ●[/align]

איינער קען מוחל זיין און אראפגעבן אויף מאמע לשון די תוכן פון די ארטיקעל
סוף מעשה במחשבה תחילה.
געריבענער סוחר
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תגובות: 1268
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יולי 30, 2018 10:50 am
לאקאציע: אין קאנפערענס רום

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הר גריזים האט געשריבן:ווייסט איינער פון א סייט ווי מ'קען זען די סעילס רענק היסטארי פון א Asin א שטייגער ווי CamelCamelCamel אדער Kupa פלעגן צו האבן?

Keepa האט עס נאכאלץ, מען דארף נאר איינצאלן.
.When someone tells you: "It can't be done!" Remember: Those are their limits, not yours
חיים אלכסנדר
שר חמישים ומאתים
תגובות: 458
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג אוגוסט 13, 2017 7:11 pm

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תגובה דורך חיים אלכסנדר »

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- אפשיילן א ASIN (אפמעקן אלע פרטים פון א ASIN חוץ די ריוויאס - אזוי קען מען עס נוצען פאר א נייע פראדוקט - שוין מיט אסאך ריוויאס...
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