טיפע רעיונות פון הגאון רבי אביגדור מיללער זצ"ל

געדאנקען און התחזקות בעניני עבודת השם

די אחראים: יאנאש,אחראי,געלעגער

שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

יש מנהיג לבירה

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

Could Society Endure Without Knowledge of Hashem?

It is impossible to maintain society without the fundamental premise of a First Being, Who established eternal concepts of right and wrong.- Sing, You Righteous
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

ויום השביעי משבח ואומר מזמור שיר ליום השבת

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What Does Shabbos Proclaim?

We are the chosen ones because Hashem gave the Shabbos only to us. No other nation is commanded to keep the Shabbos. Any of the gentiles can do whatever they want on Shabbos, there is absolutely no criticism; on the contrary they are criticizedif they keep Shabbos. Shabbos is an honor, it’s a badge conferred upon Hashem’s chosen people and others have no right to put on this badge. And therefore we celebrate the Shabbos to demonstrate we are His chosen people.– Preface to Shabbos (#439)
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

האדם לא נברא אלא להתענג על ה'

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How Can You Really Have Fun?

We’re in this world to have a good time - haadam lo nivra elah l’hisaneg (Mesilas Yesharim). That’s the purpose. And I’ll prove it. Let’s say a tzaddik fasted. At night when he sinks his teeth into that crust of bread, he has more fun than the fellows outside with the long hair, licking a big ice cream. Because they're so stuffed with nosherai, candy and other things, they can hardly taste the sweetness anymore. When a tzaddik eats, he's really happy with his food.

— The Afterlife (#R-35)
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

כי כל איש אשר בו מום לא יקרב

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

Why is it that a Kohein who became blemished in one of his limbs is disqualified from service in the sanctuary? The man has a pure heart, and his intentions are noble, so why should externality disqualify him?

This man can receive full reward for his good intentions, but Hakadosh Baruch Hu deals with the world according to the laws of human nature. And human nature is that they have respect for perfect things. We want his service to make the proper impression on the beholders.

A Kohein, by the way, can't have any soiled garments, the garment must be pure white, and he must be perfect in his externality. Not only that, his demeanor, he's trained how to behave, like a prince, like a king. And so when you are a visitor and you view the avodas beis hamikdash, and you see these noble men walking in the azara with fear of Hakadosh Baruch Hu and with utmost dignity, and everything is done as in the service accorded to a king, it fills your heart with reverence and you yourself are impressed to such a big extent, that you go home with memories that you'll hold forever; you'll think about the service of Hashem. Therefore for the purpose of the impression, it's important to maintain the externalities.

That's why we have to honor Hashem with all external honors. We shouldn't say what difference does it make if I put my tefillin in a worn out, torn tefillin bag? No! Put it in a beautiful bag. You might say what difference does it make if I'll carry my Esrog in a paper bag, why not put it in a shopping bag? No! Carry your Esrog if possible, if you can afford it in a silver box, let the world see how precious it is to you, that will impress them, and people are impressionable.

It's important to impress others and to impress ourselves. That's why externalities are very important.

A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #418
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

שעשה לי כל צרכי

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

Why is the bracha of Sheoso li kol tzorchi, He made all my needs, particularly on shoes?

Hakadosh Baruch Hu didn't want to mention the word shoes openly because V'rachamuv al kol maasov, shoes are made out of hides of animals. It's a tzaar. The animal is being used just to tread on, so Hakadosh Baruch Hu wants us to say in a loshon n'kiyo, loshon shel kovod, He gave me all my needs, and we understand what a great benefit a shoe is. A shoe is a very complicated benefit. You have hard leather for the sole, softer leather for the top of the shoe, you have rubber heels too - to cushion the shock. You have holes in the shoe to put in the shoestrings, and therefore it's a very great achievement to make a shoe, we can't make a shoe ourselves. A shoe is a beautiful contraption.

Hakadosh Baruch Hu said, "When I give you a shoe, appreciate the benefit of the shoe." Now it's a pity many people don't even think of what they are saying. Take a look at your shoes when you make this bracha, and think how the shoes are complicated. Today a pair of shoes costs plenty money too, and it's worth it.

There are some countries where people don't have shoes; most of the people walk barefoot. When I was in Lithuania I saw the peasants coming to town, they wore their shoes hanging around their necks, they didn't want to wear out their shoes on the roads; they walked barefoot. When they had to go into the town they put on their shoes. Shoes are too expensive to use on the roads.

Baruch Hashem we wear our shoes at all times, it protects our feet. There's glass in the street, there are nails in the street, what would happen to us? So the shoes protect us. Also there's fungus in the street, all kinds of foot diseases, shoes are a benefit for us, and it's a kovod, it's a convenience, it's a comfort for us.

Therefore we have to praise Hakadosh Baruch Hu for it. Only you have to keep in mind, Hashem doesn't want us to mention the leather of the shoes, because leather is already a matter concerning the animals. Some animals are slaughtered for their leather. "Oh, that I don't want to talk about," Hashem says. "Only b'remez b'alma, only hint at it."

A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #???
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

כצאת השמש בגבורתו

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

Why is the sun so blinding at sunset?

In case all day long you're too lazy to lift your head up to look at the sun, when the sun begins to set, it comes down low and it's right in front of your eyes, and then it's big and red; more conspicuous.

So lazy people, at sunset that's the time to take a good look! That's why the Gemara says that's the best time to daven Minchah, yiraucho im shemesh, they will fear You together with the sun. When they see the sun they will fear You, only Abaya said it's no good, don't wait because you might miss Mincha, so daven early.

But the original proper time was, yiraucho im shemesh, they should fear You with the sun; because then the sun accommodates you. It comes down low on the horizon in front of your eyes, and it's bigger now, at least it looks bigger, and it's red, and it's glowing.

That orb of glory is a testimony to the one who created it.

A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #390
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

עולם הבא

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

רבי אביגדור זצ"ל שילדערט א לעבעדיגע סצענע אין עולם הבא!

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dsv9-x ... lBkpy/view
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

הסתכל באורייתא וברא עלמא

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דכד ברא קוב"ה עלמא אסתכל בה באורייתא וברא עלמא (זוהר תרומה [ח"ב קסא, א])
How Must We Look at Hashem's World?

We have to train ourselves to look through the eyes of the Torah. Look at the world and see how many benefits Hashem is giving us. How many? Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, they're countless.

That's our job: to open up our eyes and recognize that Hashem has created a world of kindliness.

- Learning to See (#E-36)
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

וויאזוי צו קוקען אויף עסען

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

What Can We Learn From Food?

For food to grow out of the earth, thousands upon thousands of miracles take place. It’s important to know that. Hashem makes food in such miraculously complicated ways, convolutions, and complications, all with His plan, with His system, and all done to prove it’s yad Hashem. And it's considered greater than the nisim of Kriyas Yam Suf, because from food we’re expected to learn more than we learned from Kriyas Yam Suf.

– Show me Your Glory (#E176)
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

ביזטו א פאטריאט פארען באשעפער

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

Who Is a True Patriot?

“Ki shem Hashem ekrah — when I shall proclaim the name of Hashem, havu godel l’Elokeinu — give greatness, give honor, to our G – d.”
Just like the loyal American, l’havdil, whenever he sees a flag passing by in the street, is supposed to stop and he has to stand at attention, likewise, l’havdil elef havdalos, when you hear the name of Hashem, then you surely should snap to attention, because He surely is the One who gives us rights.

– Shemonah Esrai (#267)
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

נמנו וגמרו, נוח לו לאדם שלא נברא יותר משנברא - דער גרויסע סכנה!

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

Is There A Danger In Good Fortune?

If you study life, you'll see that even good health can be a peril; wealth can be a peril; peace can be a peril. And, therefore, although the yetzer hara (inclination for evil) is a great kindliness that Hashem did for us, it is also a very great peril.

-- Contending with the Yetzer Hara (#788)
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

טראכט וואס די זאגסט

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

Is It Important To Reflect On Hashem's Rulership?

Hashem is in control — whether people admit it or not. That’s what it means when we say, Hashem echad. He is the sole power that controls everything. This principle is so important that we say it every day [as part of the Shema]. The Jew makes it his motto. Before he breathes his last, he declares it. It is a pity that we so often say it hastily and thoughtlessly.

- Emunah and Bitachon
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

אן דער עיקר אינגרידיענט אין לעבן (וואס דאס איז עולם הבא) בלייבט דאס לעבן אן דער עיקר טעם

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

What Is The Chief Ingredient In Life?

What will you gain by doing mitzvos? An edifice that will last forever. No bulldozer will ever come to raze that building, that palace you’ll erect for yourself. Think about the reward. It’s so important to constantly be aware of the World to Come. The World to Come must be the chief ingredient in our life. All our thoughts, all our efforts must be directed towards the achievement of success in the World to Come.

— Preparing for Eternity (#549)
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

הדבק במידותיו

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

Why Should You Aspire To Holiness?

Kedoshim tiheyu” - you should be holy. This doesn’t mean that you should wash your hands and that’s all or walk on tiptoes, or look holy, dress holy.

Holy means be like Hashem as much as you can. Of course He tells you a list of things but they are only examples. And why? Because I am. Everyone should be like Me, the more you’re like Me, the more you’re going to be happy in the world to come. That’s your success.

— The Drive to Perfection (#736)
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

א גוי בלייבט א גוי!

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

What is the Torah's attitude towards how we should view a Goy who has exceptionally good qualities?

If you come across a gentile with very good qualities you should know that you are making a very big mistake. A goy cannot have extremely good qualities.

Extremely good qualities have to be the result of two things: One is Torah training and the other is inherited excellence. The Jew, when he studies Torah and understands what Hashem is telling him, gains a knowledge of the true values of life. If a person didn't study the dvar Hashem it is impossible for him to know proper ideals and correct attitudes for life. Impossible!

Secondly, every Jew has inherited a certain excellence from his forefathers. It's in the genes. It's a promise from Hashem that as descendants of the Avos and of the ones who stood at Har Sinai that we have in our genes a certain excellence. And it's up to us to bring this excellence out from potentiality to actuality. But a goy doesn't either of these two factors and therefore he doesn't have that potential.

Now, you could have a goy with good character. And if he becomes a ger tzedek he could try to make something out of himself. Of course - there's no question about that. But before he becomes a ger tzedek and if he hasn't studied Torah yet he has missed that great opportunity. And he hasn't inherited from his forefathers this perfection of the genes that our forefathers have bequeathed to us - so it's impossible. No, you're just making a mistake, that's all.

I've seen plenty of goyim - much more than you saw. I know goyim better than you do. I read their literature and I've come into contact with them personally. And I'm telling you - you're making a big mistake.

-- TAPE # E-255 (December 2000)

Credit: Toras Avigdor
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

געוואלדיג טיעף פאר דער וואס פארשטייט.

עס איז נישט פאליטיקעלי קארעקט אזוי צו זאגען אדער טראכטען; און ערליכע אידען קענען אויך מאכען דער גרויסע מיסטעיק.
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

זיך מתגבר זיין אויף די מידה פון גאוה

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

How would I work on a step-by-step program to break the trait of arrogance?

Well, that needs not one lecture, but many lectures. But I'll tell you briefly. If a man is an arrogant fellow, then in order to counter that ga'avah, that arrogance in him, it would help to spend time every day studying the good qualities of other people.

Here's what you do. Take one person at a time, and see the good in him. At first, it's not so easy because you're blind to the other man's good qualities. Of course you are; because it's only you that has good qualities! You're only aware of your own ma'alos, your own good qualities. However, if you're willing to think a little bit, after a while you begin to see that you're not the only tzadik in the world - other people are full of good things too. And little by little, you begin to level out with other people. Maybe you'll even end up feeling inferior to many people.

Look how many good people there are who are moser nefesh, they exert themselves to extremes, for the mitzvah of tzedaka. Here's a woman who tells me that she wasn't feeling well, and she comes home and she finds six meshulachim from Eretz Yisroel in her home, waiting for supper! Six charity collectors in need of a meal. She's weak, she's not feeling well, and she goes ahead and prepares supper for six meshulachim! I felt like falling down on the ground in front of her, I was so humbled. A person should make supper for six strangers who barged in without calling up beforehand?! It's remarkable! This woman has ten extra beds in her house. It's not a big house, but they have extra beds for people who need it. I don't understand that! It's unbelievable. A quiet person; her name should be in the headlines of the newspapers! Ten extra beds in their house for people to come in and sleep. And it's a quiet, unassuming, Jewish home. And now you know how unimportant you are compared to them. You don't have to worry about arrogance, because you have nothing to be arrogant about. She's not famous, nobody knows about her. It's remarkable!

When you start studying people, you'll be amazed at what they're doing. Here's an elderly man, a quiet elderly man. He walks a little bent over, he seems to be an unassuming person. Do you know how many thousand of dollars he's sending to poor talmidei chachomim in Eretz Yisroel?! I was amazed when I met that man. Thousands and thousands of dollars! He's supporting many families with a lot of children. And nobody knows about him.

So when you start studying people, you'll be amazed at the good qualities of people. And little by little, the ga'avah, the arrogance, will start leeching out of you. That's one of the ways to work on overcoming ga'avah - by concentrating on the virtues of others.

-- TAPE # 613

Credit: Toras Avigdor
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

שטיי אוועק פון דיינע געוועזענע שלעכטע חבירים!

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

A baal teshuva meets an old friend who reminds him of the good old days?

And the answer is, we do what it says in Mishlei (17:12). It says: p'gosh dov shakul b'ish, v'al ksil b'ivalto, better to encounter an enraged bear than to meet a fool with his foolishness. If you see an enraged bear coming down the street, so you don't think I'll walk by him on the sidewalk… No! You take a taxi. And if you see a fool coming down the street, it's worse. If you see an old friend with whom you used to sin together in the bad old days, so turn around and run; you don't know him.

Don't tell me any stories; I'll make him repent, I'll change him – worry about yourself first. If a man comes down the street and he's diseased with a terribly contagious disease, and he's breathing germs, are you going to stand there and embrace him? Even though you want to help him out and give him medicine, nothing doing! Who cares about medicine, chayeco kodmin, you turn around and run! You wouldn't even come within ten feet of him. And that's the treatment to good old friends.

I had a case like that, a young man, so I turned him back, I got him off of drugs; he stopped. I told him to go to work and he got a job. But I told him nothing will help if you still meet your old friends. It was breaking his heart, however. I said look, if you don't give up your old friends then give me up, because I can't help you if you are going to continue meeting them. If you meet wicked friends who still indulge in all this stupidity of the narcotics culture, so-called, so you won't make anything out of yourself.

You must break off with your friends.

A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #421
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210
לעצט פארראכטן דורך מונאוויטש אום דינסטאג מאי 08, 2018 3:32 pm, פארראכטן געווארן 1 מאל.
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

וואס קענען מיר לערנען פון Bush v. Gore?

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  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

What can we learn from the lack of clarity in the thirty-six days since the election with regards to who will be the next President, Bush or Gore?

What can we learn from the postponement of the recognition of the election of Bush? The answer is that we must learn that the world is rodef achar ha'kavod. People crave kavod and poor Gore couldn't bear to see it slip out of his hands by such a small majority. It hurt him terribly.

Now if Gore would have been in competition with Bush about learning Mishnayos, let's say, and Bush would have learned one masechta more than Gore, then Gore wouldn't have felt so bad about it. But Gore wanted this kavod. He's a rodef achar ha'kavod.

You should know however that the kavod of being President is actually hevel va'rik. There nothing to it. Nothing to it at all. We said before that the time will come when even the best President will go down into the dust. He will be yoreid la'afar. And even though there might be statues and monuments, the statues can't speak for them. They're not here anymore. They became dust. And that's in the best case scenario for them. Sometimes they're not lucky enough to just be dust. They have to go to Gehenom too, you know.

And therefore it's hevel va'rik. So we watch them run after this kavod and we must remind ourselves that it's nothing. I'll give you a mashal. In this rug right here there are millions of germs. Suppose I told you that the germs all came together and elected you President. And with a full majority. The popular vote and the Electoral College. And it's not being contested. Would you be excited about that?! Would you be excited about being chosen by millions of germs?!

So people voted for Bush or Gore. So what? It's nothing but germs. It's nothing at all! [Garbled] goyim! It's nothing at all. Hashem wanted Bush to be in the White House for a certain amount of time so He put him there. He has His good reasons so He put him there. But it's nothing to be excited about. Now, Bush is surely excited about it. He's terribly excited about it. Oy vey is he excited. And maybe we get excited as well. Alright, could be. But Hashem is not excited about it at all. What is Hashem excited about? If a man is sitting and learning Mesillas Yesharim. A man who is making progress in learning Gemara. If a girl is trying to become more and more of an oived Hashem. Someone who is midakdeik b'mitzvos. That's what He loves! That's what He's excited about!

And therefore you have to know what to get excited about in this world. You have to know what really counts in this world. You have to learn to get excited only about what Hashem gets excited about. Shleimus, perfection and coming close to Hashem. Greatness of character and greatness of seichel. That's what counts. All the other things are hevel va'rik. Nothing at all.

-- TAPE # E-257 (December 2000)

Credit: Toras Avigdor
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

פאררעכט נישט דיין פרוי; פאררעכט 'זיך'!

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  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

How should a husband encourage his wife to change her bad middos?

First, he should change his middos. That's the first thing. You should know that in most cases he's the one who has the bad middos. In most cases that is the truth. He has bad middos. Otherwise, he would see that his wife is pretty good. She's really pretty good.

Look, every wife is a little wild, you know. Women are a little wild. And every man is a little meshugah. Men are meshugah. So men and women both have faults. And therefore, don't concentrate on her faults. Concentrate on your faults.

I guarantee you that if the husband works on himself and becomes a man of better character, then automatically she'll be better too. Automatically.

-- TAPE # E-183 (April 1999)

Credit: Toras Avigdor
לעצט פארראכטן דורך מונאוויטש אום מאנטאג מאי 07, 2018 12:30 pm, פארראכטן געווארן 1 מאל.
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

שמונה עשרה לחופה

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

At what age should I try to marry off my children?

It depends on your environment, but it's a good idea not to wait too long. Especially with girls. Don't wait with your girls a long time. A girl at eighteen ― that's the right time to marry her off. Already at nineteen, she becomes too choosy. And at twenty, sometimes she can make it very difficult for you. Before they have too much independence, make sure to marry them off. She might complain a little, but you just tell her, "Look, you have to get married someday, so what's the use waiting?!"

Marry her off at eighteen and she'll be satisfied, and they'll live long and happy lives together. But if she waits till she's twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, then it's, "I want this," and "I want that," and the years start going by and then you'll be very sorry. So don't wait with your daughters. If you have daughters, don't wait. Don't wait.

-- TAPE # E-179 (February 1999)

Credit: Toras Avigdor
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

אן אויספלוג קיין נייאגרא פאלס איז עצת היצר

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

What is your opinion of the importance of a high school taking their students on a trip to Niagara Falls?

My opinion is that it's nothing at all. You have to travel so far, and spend so much money to see Niagara Falls?!

Let's say, here's a frum girls' school. So they have the day off, or the week off, whatever it is. And where do they go? To Niagara Falls. What's in Niagara Falls?! A lot of water falling off a cliff. Nothing at all. Nothing at all!

It's the yetzer harah. The yetzer harah makes everyone dissatisfied. People who are really happy with what they have are almost impossible to find. They may say, "We're happy," but they're not. And therefore, they're always seeking something else. And so, they travel to Niagara Falls. You might say differently, but I'm telling you, that's the reason why people travel to Niagara Falls. It's the yetzer harah that is making you dissatisfied. So you have to go to see water falling off a cliff. But really it's nothing at all.

Of course, you yield a little bit to the yetzer harah in order that more girls should come to your school. You have an outing every year to get new talmidos, new students. But really it's nothing at all.

-- TAPE # E-193 (June 1999)

Credit: Toras Avigdor

Niagara_Falls.jpg (173.31 KiB) געזען 1546 מאל
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

איז 'טוב ללכת אל בית אבל' די היפך פון 'עבדו את ה' בשמחה'?

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  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

If Hashem wants us to serve Him from happiness, ivdu es Hashem besimcha, serve Hashem with happiness; so why does it say tov laleches l'beis aivel, it's better to go to a house of mourning rather than go to a house of rejoicing?

I'll tell you a peirush which you wouldn't like, you never heard of it before. When do you appreciate eating most? You know when? Motsai Yom Kippur. If you think it's a minor achievement of Yom Kippur, let me contradict you. One of the major purposes of the Torah is to teach us to thank Hakadosh Baruch Hu. You can never thank unless you can compare your present situation to what it could have been otherwise. You want to be happy? Go visit a cemetery. I've said this advice for years. If you feel depressed, stand outside of a cemetery for a long time and look at the gravestones, you walk away somewhat more cheerful. You won't be sad, because you're thinking there is something worse than what you are now; that's to be underneath those stones.

Nobody can know what he has unless by contrast. That's why we don't say Baruch Ata Hashem that You gave me eyes to see, no, we say Baruch Ata Hashem Pokeiach ivrim, who opens the eyes of the blind! Unless you see a blind man tapping his way with a white cane, you can't appreciate the happiness of sight. Unless you see a man who has no feet sitting in a wheelchair propelling himself, you don't realize how sweet it is to be able to sail down the avenue on your own two clogs. Ahh, what a delicious thing, to tramp down the street; you can tramp or saunter, or walk or run, it makes no difference, anyway it's sweet, it's living to be able to walk.

And believe me, when you walk by a man sitting in a wheelchair, slow down; he shouldn't be too jealous of you. Don't make him feel bad, slow down, if you want you can plod by. There used to be in Slabodka a man who couldn't daven well, so once he went to the amud for pesukei d'zimrah (they wouldn't let him daven shachris), when he went off, the next man was an expert chazan and when he got up he starting stammering intentionally to make the first man feel good. The first man stammered in baruch she'amar, so the second man stammered at yish'tabach to make the first man feel good. So if you walk by a man in a wheelchair, walk by slowly, act like it's also a little difficult, you have arthritis in your legs, but if you run past in your youthful joints and your youthful ankles, you're causing him anguish. Because the greatest happiness is appreciated only when you don't have it, and a man in a wheelchair knows how good it is to be able to walk.

Therefore, you can't appreciate the simcha of life unless you go to a beis aivel. Now don't tell me you won't feel this emotion - as you walk out you feel mightily relieved. Inside the atmosphere is oppressive, it's sad, and so as you are there you try to act as you're participating. When you walk out and take a deep lung-full of fresh air, Baruch Hashem I'm finished with that, now onto life. I'm alive! Ohh, that's a wicked thought you think? It's not a wicked thought. So now you know a new aspect of going to the bais aivel, Ha'chai ye'tein el libo, the living man should put to his heart how good it is to be alive and to thank Hashem for it.

A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #339
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

כְּצֵל עוֹבֵר... וְכַחֲלום יָעוּף (ונתנה תוקף)

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  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

Youth and good health, springtime and sunshine, gardens and streets, are all part of the Creation, which the Creator declared "very good" and which He intended as a kindness to Mankind. However, in themselves, all these forms of happiness are nothing, for they are transitory and short-lived.

-- Sing, You Righteous
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

וואס איז אמת'ע עשירות

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

אִם תְּבַקְשֶׁנָּה כַכָּסֶף וְכַמַּטְמוֹנִים תַּחְפְּשֶׂנָּה (משלי ב' ד')
What Is The Torah's Advice For Becoming Wealthy?

Shlomo Hamelech says that if you want to know how to acquire real treasure — the treasure of yiras (fear of) Hashem, which means emuna (faith) — you have to seek it like people seek kesef (money); you have to search for it like hidden treasure.

If you are able to devote yourself to this career of making Hashem real, you're earning a wealth that has no comparison. Rabbi Avigdor Miller on Emunah and Bitachon
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שרייב תגובה

צוריק צו “אז נדברו”