טיפע רעיונות פון הגאון רבי אביגדור מיללער זצ"ל

געדאנקען און התחזקות בעניני עבודת השם

די אחראים: יאנאש,אחראי,געלעגער

שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

You CAN have your cake and eat it too

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

Are You Wasting Time When You Eat?

The Shulchan Aruch explains that when a person sits down to eat, he should have in mind that he is eating l'shem Shamayim (for the sake of Heaven). People who do not do this are wasting their time. They are eating anyway. They could just as easily add the thought that they are eating to serve Hashem, so that they will have strength to serve Him.

-- Ohr Avigdor Hakdama
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

שטיי אוועק און שטיי העכער פון דער פארדארבענע וועלט

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

What Must a Jew Learn From The Immorality of The World?

The moral breakdown in the general society is also a sign from Heaven. The mingling of the sexes in schools and in business, the lack of restraint in female apparel, the breakdown of the authority of the husband and father, the aggrandizing of youth: all this is intended to demonstrate the folly of the nations, and to warn us to keep aloof in every way.

-- Sing, You Righteous
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

אונזער השקפות איז א פועל יוצא פון אנזערע מידות

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

Are Proper Torah Attitudes Different From Good Character Traits?

Our opinions are created by our character traits. It is not that midos [character traits] and de’os (Torah perspectives) are two completely different subjects; that character is one thing, but knowledge is a completely different subject.

No. Your character and your Torah attitudes mutually influence each other. Midos create de’os.

-- The Complainer (#379)
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

דער באשעפער האט ליב א קנאי

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

Does Hashem Look With Favor On Zealous People?

The man who is zealous for Hashem and His Torah is considered as one who brings peace to Israel and protects them from misfortune; and therefore he deserves a long life of enjoying the fruits of his deeds.

-- Journey Into Greatness
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm


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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

Is it proper for a Torah Jew to take a vacation from his daily schedule?

That depends on what he does with his vacation. Just to go to a place because that's where all the meshuga'im go, what's the purpose? Just to go travel to some beaches where they have mosquitoes that are even bigger than the ones here, is that such a metziah? You spend good money to travel to far away places, and all the natives over there are dreaming about America. They all want to come here. That's what they dream about - escaping their beaches to come to America. So we see that it's not so ah-yah-yay over there. And then maybe there are diseases over there that are easy for people to catch because they're not immune to those diseases.

However, besides for that consideration, a vacation to recuperate for learning Torah, to re-energize for your avodas Hashem, by all means. And a vacation for someone who is ill and needs to recuperate, that's something else, of course.

But a healthy person should not take a vacation unless it's for the purpose of utilizing his vacation time to come back to himself, to come back to the Torah, and to accomplish what he always wanted to do, but he never had the time to do it. All year long, he was pining to learn Chovos Halevovos or to finish a mesechta. But he was too busy. So now he takes his vacation, and he learns the whole Sha'ar Habechina a few times. Now that's a vacation to write home about! But just to waste time, no, that's not an ideal by us at all.

-- TAPE # 918 (June 1993)

Credit: Toras Avigdor
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

אויפגעבן די ארבייט און זיך אריינזעצן אין כולל

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

If a man has to work at making a living, where does a Kollel life come in?

I'll answer you like this: There was once a man here in the shul who told me that he'd like to quit work and become a Kollel man. Now, I'm an old hand when it comes to these types of things, so I told him, "What you really mean is the first half. That's what you'd like to do." He wants to quit work, period.

So I said to him, "You keep on working. Don't quit just yet. And we'll do it like this: Every Sunday become a Kollel man! Every Sunday morning pack a lunch and go off to the Kollel. And tell your wife that you won't home until 7 o'clock at night." And I told him, "If you'll do this faithfully every week, if every Sunday you'll be a Kollel man, then we'll talk about Monday too. Well, that's all it was. It didn't go any further than that.

-- TAPE # 204 (February 1978)

Credit: Toras Avigdor
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

א בעל הבית א בן תורה

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

Can a Kollel man who leaves the yeshiva still remain a yeshiva man even while he's involved in business?

To some extent he can. But it will require a great deal of cooperation between himself and his wife, as well as certain amount of heroism and dedication on his part. I'll give you an example. Now listen carefully because it means you. And it means me too.

We have people who come here Friday night. They come here about seven, seven-thirty and they sit here learning till almost eleven thirty at night. They're working people, professionals. They sit here in the shul for four hours on Friday night. Some a little less. That's the program for dedicated men with dedicated wives. The women, of course, have to understand that, in order that it should work. They want it and they encourage their husbands. On Motzei Shabbos we have the same thing again. People come here until late until after 11 o'clock and learn here in groups and individuals. It's a great phenomenon. But in ancient times that was the Jewish way of life.

On Shabbos afternoon people come to study here, and in the longer days, they study all day long Shabbos afternoon. And some people study all day Sunday. There are about four shiurim on Sunday here, and people attend all of them, and then they sit until late and they study Torah. Now that's an example how a person can continue to be a yeshiva man even after he leaves the yeshiva. Now this man, he can't afford the luxury of wasting all those odd hours. A yeshiva man has to get up Shabbos morning early to learn. A yeshiva man has to spend Shabbos studying. Shabbos night he can't go out to melave malkas with the family. He can't visit, he can't go to weddings. A yeshiva man who leaves the Kollel and he begins a life of productivity in gashmius, must dedicate himself to Torah learning as well.

That's what the Jewish nation once did, and that's an ideal which many people are beginning to see today. And therefore if the wife cooperates and she doesn't demand the husband's presence home. She understands that it's her partnership. The fact that he is making progress, that he's forging ahead in learning, - that's her z'chus, she is a one hundred percent partner. And with such a great partner in life he can forge ahead, as long as he's not lazy and he's willing to carry the brunt of a career of study.

I recall once - it was at a melave malka in the old building and I said over from the Rambam: harotza lizkos b’kisro shel Torah - "Anybody who wants to earn the crown of Torah, al yoivad achas mi’leilosov - he shouldn't waste even one of his nights." You have to work by day, what could you do already; but he shouldn't waste even one of his nights. That's what Rambam says. And a man who was sitting there and heard that. And I saw that it went into his ears and he changed his way of life. He became great subsequently. He was a working man and he became great in Torah. And once his wife had to attend a wedding in Riverside Plaza uptown, but that night was a shiur. So he took his wife by car to Riverside Plaza and left her there and he came back to attend the shiur. Then he went all the way back to the hall to bring her home. That's dedication!

And so, if you won't waste any of your nights, you'll be able to remain a yeshiva man forever. Forget about going to weddings. Forget about family parties. Now you're wedded to the Torah. Now, of course, some women will say what kind of a life is that? What kind of a life is a Kollel life? I'll tell you - it's a dedicated life! If you want to be a nothing, so you do what everybody else does and you'll all succeed in becoming what you want to become. Nothing!

-- TAPE # 204 (February 1978)

Credit: Toras Avigdor
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

קרח און זיין שווערע עונש

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

Why did Korach deserve such a strong punishment?

When you do a favor to a fellow Jew, Hakadosh Baruch Hu rewards you, but suppose that fellow Jew is a very great tzaddik, you get much more reward.

Remember when Yisro, Yisro knew that there was a Mitzri, ish Mitzri hitzilunu, he saved us his daughters said, a Mitzri helped us out. So he said, invite him to eat; he didn't know who he was, but it states, because Yisro gave Moshe Rabbeinu bread to eat, Yisro was rewarded so greatly forever and ever. So if you do a kindliness to a great man, it's much more richly rewarded by Hashem. So let's say you have one dollar to give tzedaka, you can give it to a poor fellow on the street or give it to a poor ben Torah, ben Torah is much more important.

I once heard a man say, "Why give it to the ben Torah, you're partial to bnei torah?" The answer is,"Yes, we are partial to bnei Torah." Hakadosh Baruch Hu is partial to them. I remember there was a big argument against the Rosh Ha'yeshivas, at the time of the Vaad Hatzolo, when they were saving Jews from Europe, the Rosh Ha'yeshivas were bringing over bnei Torah. So a man told me, "Rosh Ha'yeshivas because they're partial to bnei Torah, they are bringing over bnei Torah."

So I said, "Whom else should they bring over? Certainly the bnei Torah they should bring over, if you have only a few visas to save lives, no question they're first, what's the question? Hakadosh Baruch Hu wants them."

Therefore if you start up with a nobody, you talk loshon hora on a plain nobody; it's wrong, it's a chet. But if you talk lashon hora on a tzaddik, vsonei tzaddik y'eshumu, if you hate a tzaddik you'll be held very very guilty. So if you want to talk loshon hora, of course it's best not to say anything, but choose bums, don't choose tzaddikim, don't choose frum Jews. Frum Jews are tzaddikim, ameich kulom tzaddikim, frum Jews are tzaddikim. Frum Jews are sacrificing for Torah, the cost of schar limud for their children. You can send them to public schools, they're laboring to pay huge amounts of money for tuition, so they deserve credit for that, ameich kulom tzaddikim, don't talk on Jews.

Therefore Korach started up with Moshe Rabbeinu, he was the very worst man to start up with. Had he been suspicious of a little fellow there, the son of the ish Mitzri, had he started up with him, it wouldn't be a mitzvah, but still he wouldn't be in the ground.

He started up with Moshe Rabbeinu, and he spoke against him, he was dan l'kaf chova, then it's a very great mistake.

A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #382
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

כל מה דעביד רחמנא לטב עביד (א צו שאקעל אין איינעם'ס לעבען קען זיין פאזיטיוו)

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

כִּי אֶת אֲשֶׁר יֶאֱהַב ה' יוֹכִיחַ וּכְאָב אֶת בֵּן יִרְצֶה (משלי ג' י"ב)
Where Do We Find Positive Fruits of Suffering and Misfortune?

If you look back and see what happens to people, you will see very many people today who are frum and married and live settled lives, and yet it's all the result of some upheaval that took place in their lives, some misfortune.

-- The Complainer (#379)
לעצט פארראכטן דורך SPUSMN אום מאנטאג יוני 18, 2018 2:31 pm, פארראכטן געווארן 1 מאל.
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

מעדעצין וואס היילט

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

Why Should We Thank Hashem For Misfortune?

It's important to be grateful to Hashem for mishaps and misfortunes. It's like a doctor who gives you a prescription. When you taste it — oh, is it bitter! What do you want to do, poison me? But sensible people wouldn't say that. They paid the doctor and they paid the pharmacist for the prescription, so they accept it and try to enjoy it.

Hashem gives you His medicine free of charge. -- The Complainer (#379)
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

כבוד חכמים ינחלו

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

If Kavod is such a silly thing to pursue in this world, why is it the reward in the next world?

Kavod is not silly at all, Kavod is real. Oh it's a joy to get glory, and that's why everybody runs after it, don't tell me Kavod is nothing, only it depends who gives you the Kavod. As I once explained, in this rug there are billions of bacteria, even if it's a clean rug there are billions of bacteria. Suppose all the bacteria in this rug are going to applaud you, you walk in and nobody is present. Silence: all the bacteria are clapping their hands, you're not excited over that, so who cares if big bacteria is clapping?

Let's say it's a grand stadium and millions of men are applauding you, it's nothing, it's bacteria!! Who cares what they do!? Only one audience we have, Hakadosh Baruch Hu, if He applauds it's meloh kol haaretz kevodo, that applause is all we want. Sure we want Kavod, it's the Kavod that He gives, that's the only Kavod that counts. So Kavod chachomim yinchulu, certainly chachomim will inherit Kavod, everybody want's Kavod by instinct, there is not a deception. Only, you have to make sure it's the right kind of Kavod. Therefore Kavod in this world is worthless, only the Kavod that Hashem gives.

However I want to say one word of caution, human beings are so lazy, it's so hard for them to stir themselves to do anything, that they have to try various methods to give themselves a push. It's like trying to climb a mountain; it's hard work to climb uphill. But when you have some kind of an impetus, an incentive, it's easier. Therefore, l'olam ya'asok adam ba'torah uba'mitzvos shelo lishma, you should have an incentive. You want Kavod for Torah, yes! You want foolish Kavod in this world? That Kavod will help you climb the difficult mountain, it's not easy to learn Gemara, Rashi, and Tosfos. It's easier to lie in bed and read a newspaper. But when you get Kavod for learning Torah, it's an incentive and therefore it's worth it.

Even for Mitzvos, just to run to the Bais Hakneses so people should speak well of you, you think, it's beneath my dignity to do things for Kavod. No! Even Mitzvos do for Kavod, she'mitoch shelo lishma buh lishma. So once more, do not despise the incentive of Kavod if it helps you accomplish good things.

A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #283
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

שינה בשבת תענוג

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

Should one sleep on Shabbos afternoon?

Absolutely. Absolutely! However, that doesn't mean that you should climb into your pajamas and remain there all Shabbos. Because Shabbos is a wonderful opportunity for much better things than sleep.

By the way, you should know that sleep is extremely important for our health. It's extremely important for our mental health. And it's being neglected by very many people. So Shabbos is a good opportunity to catch up on your sleep. Because of Shabbos, many people are able to survive the week. Otherwise, they would collapse for lack of sleep. So certainly you should utilize Shabbos for sleep. But of course, don't overdo it.

And by the way, since you mentioned the subject, I will tell you that you must be careful to go to sleep every night on time. And make sure that you get enough sleep, because due to lack of sleep, many, many people have ruined their lives.

-- TAPE #E-178

Credit: Toras Avigdor
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

מאן און ווייב אין די קאנטרי וואכן

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

Should a husband and wife separate in order to go to the country in the summer?

A husband and wife should never separate. That’s the purpose of having a wife and having a husband. Vehoyu l'bosor echod, "And they will become one flesh” (B’reishis 2:24). You don’t separate from your hands or from your feet. You have to realize that it’s one personality. It’s not just a team, it’s a personality. They must always be together.

Now, it doesn’t mean that when he goes to the synagogue that she has to be in the background. Or that when she’s going, let’s say, to the sewing club, that he should hang around and look on, no. Each has his or her separate interests, but in general, they’re together

Sometimes, he has to go away on a trip for work, he can’t take her along, it can’t be helped. A woman, however, to go off on a pleasure trip someplace without her husband, that’s not to be recommended at all. Unless she has to go for certain business that the husband cannot go along. Let’s say, she has to go for some purpose, she can’t remain behind. And he has to remain here because of his business, that’s something else. But just for pleasure to separate, that’s against the principles on which marriage is founded.

-- TAPE #508

Credit: Toras Avigdor
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

משיח קומט שוין; כאפ אריין!

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

Why didn't Moshiach come yet?

The answer is that he wants to give you a chance to accomplish something in life. You should know, that when Moshiach comes, most people won't be able to accomplish anything. It's right now, before Moshiach comes, that you have the great opportunity to accomplish and make something out of yourself.

Here; you walk in the street - you have a beard, you have payos and a black hat. Everybody hates you. They look at you with disgust. It's wonderful! It's really wonderful. You ignore them and you fortify yourself in the knowledge that you are serving Hashem. The more they despise you, the bigger the reward. It's such an opportunity. You walk in the subway - as soon as you walk in nobody wants to look at you. Everyone hates you. Boruch Hashem, it's a wonderful thing.

But that's in this world. When Moshiach comes, you'll walk into the subway and everyone is going to get up for you. There'll be no more schar. There'll be no more reward for being a good Jew when it's so easy. Li'fum tzara agra. The reward is according to the difficulty. Now it's difficult, so now is the time when we want to live. What's the hurry for Moshiach? Of course, he should come and we won't stop him from coming. We won't be able to help ourselves. But enjoy life right now. It's so good to walk in the street and be a frum Jew today - to be loyal to Hashem when faced with all of our detractors.

And it happens to all of us. I was walking across the street and an Italian bum was sitting in his car waiting for the red light to change. So in order to frighten me he causes his car to jerk forward quickly and then make a short stop. To frighten me! This happened to me recently. I looked at him and he was acting as if he didn't see me - making believe. And his wife is sitting next to him and she is laughing. So I said quietly to myself, "Ribono Shel Olam. I don't want to do any harm to him. His foot should come off just above the knee - that's all. More than that I don't want. What could he do? He has a goyishe head. So just above the knee it should come off. That's enough."

And I want to tell you something: He'd be lucky if it happens because if he waits for Gehenim it will be a pity on him. It would be a very big chesed for him if he loses his foot right now.

-- TAPE # E-239 (July 2000)

Credit: Toras Avigdor
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

וכל קרב וכליות יזמרו לשמך - א פערפעקט קווייער

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

How Does Food Help Us Gain Yiras Hashem?

Food is nissei nissim, it is broken up into thousands of different materials which go into the blood together in a mixture; one doesn’t spoil the other. Imagine thousands of materials traveling in the bloodstream, along tunnels, tubes to the intestines. The intestines are lined with cells that have such cunning arrangements that they only admit certain materials. All these things, you can’t enumerate them, there are so many of them, all come together in the bloodstream.

– Show me Your Glory (#E176)
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

שמירת עינים - זיין א מושל איבער די אויגען

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

בַּיּוֹם הַשְּׁלִישִׁי וַיִּשָּׂא אַבְרָהָם אֶת עֵינָיו וַיַּרְא אֶת הַמָּקוֹם מֵרָחֹק (בראשית כ"ב ד')
וישא אברהם את עיניו וירא והנה איל אחר נאחז בסבך בקרניו (בראשית כ"ב י"ג)
וישא עיניו וירא והנה שלשה אנשים נצבים עליו וירא וירץ לקראתם (בראשית י"ח ב')
ויצא יצחק לשוח בשדה לפנות ערב וישא עיניו וירא והנה גמלים באים (בראשית כ"ד ס"ג)
וישאו עיניהם ויראו והנה ארחת ישמעאלים באה מגלעד (בראשית ל"ז כ"ה)
וַיְהִי בִּהְיוֹת יְהוֹשֻׁעַ בִּירִיחוֹ וַיִּשָּׂא עֵינָיו וַיַּרְא (יהושע ה' י"ג)
וישא דויד את עיניו וירא את מלאך ה' (דברי הימים א', כ"א ט"ז)
How Did Avraham Use Eyes?

Avraham was in full control of everything. It says he lifted up his eyes, and he looked. Avraham’s eyes weren’t roaming around. No, Avraham’s eyes were on the sidewalk. When the time came to look at something, so he made a decision, he lifted up his eyes, but before he pressed the button to click the camera he thought it over, and if he decided it’s worth seeing, he saw. That’s how our forefathers lived.

– Shemonah Esrai (#267)

רבי אביגדור מיללער פלעגט זאגען לגבי שמירת עינים, אז ווען מען גייט אין דער גאס "you got to study the pavement"
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

דאס קיינמאל נישט זיין צופרידען מיט זיך, האט א מטרה

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

Why Is Man Driven To Achieve?

Man yearns because the Creator made him a seeker. His perpetual dissatisfaction has the function of inciting him to seek without cessation.

-- Sing, You Righteous
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

אין א פרייליכע שטוב ווערען ערצויגען פרייליכע קינדער - מאך זיכער נישט צו האבען א טריקען שטוב

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

What Makes Kids Enthusiastic for Yiddishkeit?

When the home is a place of enthusiasm for Shabbos and all other mitzvos, no child will ever break away; this tragedy is possible only where the joy of serving Hashem is lacking because the mitzvos are performed mechanically in a dry-as-dust manner.

-- Career of Happiness
לעצט פארראכטן דורך SPUSMN אום מיטוואך יוני 27, 2018 2:54 pm, פארראכטן געווארן 1 מאל.
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

צייל דיינע ווערטער

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

Did You Waste Words Today?

In old Yerushalayim, they counted their words. “Reuven ben Shimon eid” — that’s how you sign documents today. They signed Reuven ben Shimon; they didn’t want to add the word eid because it’s an extra word. They were stingy with words and stingy with talking. What we say in twenty words, they said in three words.

“Le’oylom yishneh odom lutalmidov buloshon ketzoro” you should only teach Torah to your talmid in abbreviated form. Why waste words?

– The Drive to Perfection (#736)
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

עס לוינט זיך צו האבען בטחון

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

What Is Our Reward For Our Efforts To Acquire Bitachon (Trust)?

The more you practice bitachon, the more you will be surprised. Hashem will show you yesh m'ayin (something from nothing). Sometimes fountains of money will open up. You'll be amazed where the money comes from. If it will not be in the form of money, it will be in the form of other satisfactions.
Hashem has plenty of ways to satisfy. He will not withhold good.

-- Rav Avigdor Miller on Emunah and Bitachon
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

עס איז א טראגעדיע אז א מענטש ווייסט נישט וואס ער האט ווען ער האט עס

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

How Can We Appreciate Hashem's Goodness Even More?

It's only when a woman loses her husband that she realizes what a great loss it is. There are many things like that in This World. When people are about to leave the world they look back and see what a good world it was.

There is so much sweetness in life, and it's a tragedy that people don't appreciate it when they have it.

-- Ohr Avigdor Shaar Habechinah
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

שמחת החיים אפילו ווען מען איז אויף דיאלעסיס

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

The Rav spoke tonight about the obligation to spend our days in appreciation of Hashem's chesed upon us. What if a person chalilah has strong yesurim that distracts him from appreciating the good things of this world?

It's a nisayon, a test. It's not easy. But even with strong yesurim, he must know that it could have been much worse. I'll give an example. The yesurim of being without kidneys chalilah is a very great suffering. A person might have to go, let's say, three times a week for dialysis, each time for three hours. To make up for his kidneys he goes on a kidney machine. That's a very difficult life. It's a nisayon. However, he can be a success there as well. Because that person, despite all of his yesurim, the fact that he doesn't have a colostomy, the fact that he's able to eliminate in a natural way is a very great happiness.

When a man has a colostomy chalilah, he looks back at the good old days. Why didn't I appreciate it when I was able to function in a normal way? Now he has to walk around hooked up to a bag for when he eliminates. But this man, however, should be happy that he's able to live more or less in a normal way despite his colostomy. He still has a heart that functions. Having a functioning heart is a big simcha. And that's his test - to appreciate what he does have.

Everyone should know that there are things worse than he is suffering now. And if he trains himself to utilize his yesurim to remind himself there are certain things that he is still getting, then this person can be even more successful in avodas Hashem than others. Of course, it's not easy. It's a nisayaon; but this person can be more successful than others. lefum tazaara agra - The reward is according to the difficulty. There's nobody who's alive who doesn't have reason to praise and thank Hashem.

-- TAPE #E-13

Credit: Toras Avigdor
שר חמש מאות
תגובות: 564
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג סעפטעמבער 03, 2012 5:23 pm
לאקאציע: ששש.. ס'גילו!!

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תגובה דורך גלייכגילטיג »

נייע Q&A גליונות אויף "אידיש", אויף "תורת אביגדור" וועבזייטל!

איך שרייב נישט אונטער בשום אופן!!!
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

קברי צדיקים

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

What is the function of going to a kever of a Tzadik?

And the function is what we spoke about today. And that is, in order to advertise to the world that the greatest thing in the world is to be a tzadik. And in the zechus of you going there and demonstrating that you appreciate the greatness of a tzadik, Hashem will reward you and listen to your tefilla. But you're not praying to the tzadik, chas v'shalom.

Hakodosh Boruch Hu says, 'If you understand how much I love this man, and not only him, but I even love his body because his body was kadosh. And now you come there, where his body was placed, for that purpose of showing that you appreciate the greatness, the holiness, of his body, then I'm going to reward you by listening to your tefilla. Thats the purpose of kivrei tzaddikim.

-- TAPE # E-8 (May 1995)

Credit: Toras Avigdor
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm


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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

Is it wrong to take my family on a summer vacation?

It depends where and for what reason. If you're taking them to a place like a frum bungalow colony where your older children will be able to learn all the time, the younger ones will be in a good environment, and you'll be able to be busy with avodas Hashem - then why not? But if it's just going away to stop learning - no, no.

I want to tell you something. This whole business of vacations is not a Jewish business. In Europe, the Yeshivas didn't have any vacations in the summertime. They continued summer and winter exactly the same. And that's how it should be. How can you take a vacation from shleimus, from perfection, from learning Torah? If the Yeshivas close down for the summer then all the Yeshiva men should make it their business to sit and learn all day long. Review. And review. Otherwise, whatever you learned you forget and the next time you look at the misechtah it's like a new misechtah. It's a pity. Spend the summertime learning and learning and learning. That's our life - "Ki heim chayeinu."

Of course, you should always get fresh air. Even in the winter time. Every day you should take a walk - a brisk walk for a half hour or so. Always, always do what you can for your health. And I don't say that you can't go to the country. Go - but only if it's going to help you in ruchnius. If it's only in gashmiyus, but in ruchnius there's going to be a loss, then it doesn't pay to sacrifice so much.

Some people have achieved so much in the summertime - so much. They sit and they learn all the time. Schoolteachers have vacation all summer long - so they sit in the country for two months and learn. OK; why not? Nothing wrong with the country.

But otherwise, our main criteria should always be - what's the best for my neshama. And what's the best for the neshamos of my children.

-- TAPE # E-237 (June 2000)

Credit: Toras Avigdor
שרייב תגובה

צוריק צו “אז נדברו”